How to Import a FreeHand File into Flash
- 1). Open Flash. From the "File" menu, select "Import" > "Import to Stage."
- 2). In the "Import" dialog, choose "FreeHand" as the format of the file you want to import.
- 3). Select the file on your system in the popup window and click "Open" (Windows) or "Import" (Mac).
- 4). Select your desired options from the "Mapping" section of the "FreeHand Import" dialog.
- 5). Select your desired options from the "Pages" section of the "FreeHand Import" dialog.
- 6). Select your desired options from the "Options" section of the "FreeHand Import" dialog.
- 7). Click "OK" for Flash to import the external files as per your selected options and place them on the Stage.