Are Corporations Taking Over America? Should They Be Allowed to Control Government?
Monsanto is the biggest producer of the genetically engineered seed.
They lobbied and worked with a US Senator to produce the provision and have it hidden inside the bill.
So, when the bill was passed, they received temporary immunity to the safety of GMO seed without percussions to potential dangers to public health.
GMO and GE are interchangeable terms to identify genetically engineered seed.
The seed is injected with DNA from animals to change the plant's makeup to make them tolerate to herbicides and pesticides.
Even though there is mixed results in scientific studies, scientists have warned of these potential dangers, especially for long term public health.
Scientific concerns include health problems stemming from the insertion of DNA from animals that may contain bacteria and viruses.
Pollen circulation could cause spread of GMO to non-GMO farms and contaminate organic crops in efforts to meet Organic Standards.
There could also be unexpected and harmful changes in the modified plants that would create bigger problems later on, such as the 'super weed' issue.
The biggest question here is whether the corporations should have the right to control the government to continue on with corruptive practices? Should these actions be deemed as bribery to government officials? Especially, where immunity protects them from federal courts when the public is harmed? Governments of overseas countries have heeded scientific warnings and have either banned production or set limits to the production of GMOs in legislations.
Pretty much every country except the United States.
Many critics for GMO argue that there is not enough evidence to prove the harm, but there is something wrong when the US is the only country that ignores the warnings.
The majority of crops are now GMO, especially corn, soy, and cotton.
Americans are eating GMO crops without being aware of what they are eating.
This is misconception.
What happen to the Right to Know Act? Shouldn't people have the right to know what is in the food they buy and eat? Several states are trying to implement laws to require labeling of GMO ingredients.
So far, they have all been voted out.
Why? Is corporations being given the right to control the laws regardless of how the American people feel about the laws or the corporate practices? Do they have the right to control the American people too? What happen to freedom and liberty for all? So, what do people do about it? Buying organic would be a solution, but testing would have to be done to ensure no contamination has been transferred from GMO crops.
Lobbying against GMO with congressman is another answer, but not really a guarantee if the congressman are corrupt also.
It is passed time for the American people to stand up.
Search out the facts on the corporate practices to gain the knowledge, especially in scientific studies where warnings have been given.
Not having the education on practices and product ingredients is the first mistake.
Education is the main key.
Refuse to buy GMO products.
Let your congressman know how you feel about the issues surrounding the GMO practices and non-labeling.
Demand labeling of products to know what is in them.
Vote corruptive members out of the government.
Promote GMO food labeling laws.
With the majority of crops being GMO, corporations have gone too far with corruptive practices that prevent the American people from knowing what they are consuming.
Without getting the education, people are unaware of the corruption.
Corporations are now trying to control legislation.
With scientific warnings on the potential harm to public health, the American people should stand against these practices and promote laws against genetically modified foods.
Would you stand against these actions?
They lobbied and worked with a US Senator to produce the provision and have it hidden inside the bill.
So, when the bill was passed, they received temporary immunity to the safety of GMO seed without percussions to potential dangers to public health.
GMO and GE are interchangeable terms to identify genetically engineered seed.
The seed is injected with DNA from animals to change the plant's makeup to make them tolerate to herbicides and pesticides.
Even though there is mixed results in scientific studies, scientists have warned of these potential dangers, especially for long term public health.
Scientific concerns include health problems stemming from the insertion of DNA from animals that may contain bacteria and viruses.
Pollen circulation could cause spread of GMO to non-GMO farms and contaminate organic crops in efforts to meet Organic Standards.
There could also be unexpected and harmful changes in the modified plants that would create bigger problems later on, such as the 'super weed' issue.
The biggest question here is whether the corporations should have the right to control the government to continue on with corruptive practices? Should these actions be deemed as bribery to government officials? Especially, where immunity protects them from federal courts when the public is harmed? Governments of overseas countries have heeded scientific warnings and have either banned production or set limits to the production of GMOs in legislations.
Pretty much every country except the United States.
Many critics for GMO argue that there is not enough evidence to prove the harm, but there is something wrong when the US is the only country that ignores the warnings.
The majority of crops are now GMO, especially corn, soy, and cotton.
Americans are eating GMO crops without being aware of what they are eating.
This is misconception.
What happen to the Right to Know Act? Shouldn't people have the right to know what is in the food they buy and eat? Several states are trying to implement laws to require labeling of GMO ingredients.
So far, they have all been voted out.
Why? Is corporations being given the right to control the laws regardless of how the American people feel about the laws or the corporate practices? Do they have the right to control the American people too? What happen to freedom and liberty for all? So, what do people do about it? Buying organic would be a solution, but testing would have to be done to ensure no contamination has been transferred from GMO crops.
Lobbying against GMO with congressman is another answer, but not really a guarantee if the congressman are corrupt also.
It is passed time for the American people to stand up.
Search out the facts on the corporate practices to gain the knowledge, especially in scientific studies where warnings have been given.
Not having the education on practices and product ingredients is the first mistake.
Education is the main key.
Refuse to buy GMO products.
Let your congressman know how you feel about the issues surrounding the GMO practices and non-labeling.
Demand labeling of products to know what is in them.
Vote corruptive members out of the government.
Promote GMO food labeling laws.
With the majority of crops being GMO, corporations have gone too far with corruptive practices that prevent the American people from knowing what they are consuming.
Without getting the education, people are unaware of the corruption.
Corporations are now trying to control legislation.
With scientific warnings on the potential harm to public health, the American people should stand against these practices and promote laws against genetically modified foods.
Would you stand against these actions?