How to Build a Brick Mortar Patio
- 1). Measure and map out where your brick mortar patio will be. Use spray paint to mark the perimeters then dig down to a depth of 4 inches inside the perimeters. If you are doing this by hand with a shovel, it can be time consuming, especially if you are working in a large area. Some choose to rent a mini-loader to dig out the area. This will save a lot of time but will add additional costs to your project. After the area has been excavated, lay the landscaping screen down to cover the entire ground area. The screen is purchased in rolls and can be trimmed to fit with scissors. This is a step that you won't regret. It will reduce the amount weeds that sprout up between the bricks.
- 2). Create a border around the space by using wooden stakes and string to help your project stay in alignment. Next, mix the mortar in the wheel barrow, mixing only enough to last for about 30 minutes. The mortar dries quickly and this will eliminate waste. You can buy pre-mixed mortar or save money by making your own by mixing cement and sand together with a hoe. Mix the two by adding water in small amounts until the mixture resembles thick oatmeal.
- 3). Lay out a 1/2-inch layer of mortar around the perimeter of the area with the trowel. This will be the foundation to hold the bricks in place. Start laying the bricks end to end around the perimeter to create the border for your new patio. Use a level as you work to ensure that the bricks are evenly placed. Continue laying a layer of mortar then the line of bricks until you have completed the border. If you run into tight spaces, measure and cut the bricks to fit with a wet saw. The mortar should be allowed to sit and dry for 15 minutes before attempting to remove any excess from off the bricks. Next, allow the mortar to dry and harden overnight.
- 4). Lay down a layer of sand inside the brick border and level it with a 1x6 wooden board. Add enough sand so that when you lay the bricks, they will be even with the border. If the ground you are working in is particularly soft, you may wish to add a layer of gravel before you lay down the sand. Choose what pattern you would like the bricks to be in. You can choose a straight pattern, a herringbone pattern or a basket weave pattern. You can create a design in the middle of your patio by placing the bricks in a circular pattern then cutting the bricks around it to fit. Different shades of bricks can be used to create an aged look to your patio.
- 5). Start in the middle of the patio and work your way out using the rubber mallet to tap the bricks down into the sand to set them firmly into place. As you work, check to make sure that the bricks are level. Most likely you will need to cut some of the bricks with the wet saw to fit within the border. When all of the bricks are in place, fill in the spaces with a layer of dirt then a layer of sand using a push broom to work the sand into the spaces between the bricks. Follow with a light spray from the garden hose to help the sand settle in. Repeat the process until all of the spaces have been filled with sand.