How to Install Windows XP 2003
- 1). Restart the computer and press either the "Del" key or the "F2" key on the BIOS screen to enter the system BIOS.
- 2). Find the "Boot Order" menu and set the booting order so that CD-ROM is in the first spot.
- 3). Save the changes and close the system BIOS.
- 4). Turn off the computer and insert the Windows XP Installation CD.
- 5). Start up the computer and press any key to boot from the CD when you're prompted. The installation will begin.
- 6). Press the "F6" key on the "Windows Setup" screen only if you have an older version of the Windows Installation CD and a SATA hard drive. Most people can wait for the default drivers that are necessary to install Windows XP to load automatically.
- 7). Press "Enter" on the "Welcome to Setup" screen. Read the "Licensing Agreement" on the next screen and press "F8" to accept it. If you don't accept the agreement, you won't be able to install Windows XP.
- 8). Press the "Esc" key to install a fresh copy of Windows XP.
- 9). Press the "D" key to delete the partition on which the previous version of Windows XP was kept. Press the "Enter" key to confirm the partition deletion.
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Press the "L" key on the next screen to confirm the deletion again. - 1). Press the "Enter" key to install Windows XP on the unpartitioned space, or create a partition by pressing the "C" key.
Follow these steps to create a partition:
Select the maximum size for the partitioned space and then press the "Enter" key.
Choose the partition you made and press the "Enter" key to install Windows XP on it.
Format the partition using the "NTFS file system" (the regular one, not the "Quick" one) and press "Enter" to continue.
Wait for the partition to be formatted. When it's formatted, move on to the next step. - 2). Wait for the Windows XP installation files to be copied to your computer. When the files are copied, Windows XP will begin installing. Wait until you're prompted before pressing any keys.
- 3). Click on "Customize" to change your Regional settings. Click on "Details..." to change your input language and keyboard layout. Click on "Next" to move to the next step.
- 4). Enter your name (your real name or any name of your choosing) and your organization (if one applies) and click on "Next."
- 5). Enter the 25-character product key that came with your Windows XP CD when prompted and click "Next."
- 6). Enter the name of your computer (you can enter anything) and then enter and confirm your administrative password. Click "Next."
- 7). Set the date and time and time zone to set your computer clock. Check the box to have the computer adjust automatically for Daylight Savings Time (optional). Click "Next."
- 8). Configure your network settings. If you want your network configured with the default Microsoft settings, choose "Typical settings." If you want to configure your network manually, click "Custom settings." Choosing "Typical settings" will be sufficient for most users. Click "Next" to continue.
- 9). Select "No, this computer is not on a network, or is on a network without a domain. Make this computer a member of the following workgroup" on home computers (WORKGROUP is selected by default).
On a computer on a corporate network, select "Yes, make this computer a member of the following domain." Enter the domain name of your corporation and click "Next." - 10
Wait for the Windows XP installation to finalize. When the installation is complete, the computer will restart. Click on "OK" to allow Windows XP to adjust your screen resolution. Click "OK" again if you can easily read the text that appears on the screen after the adjustment of the screen resolution. - 1). Click "Next" on the "Welcome to Microsoft Windows" screen.
- 2). Let Windows XP check for an Internet connection. Click on "Skip" if you want to skip this step or click "Next" when the check is complete.
- 3). Select "Yes, this computer will connect through a local area network or home network," if the computer is on a network, or choose "No, this computer will connect directly to the Internet," if the computer is not on a network. Most people can choose to "connect directly to the Internet," and there won't be a problem. Click on "Skip" or "Next" to continue.
- 4). Choose "Yes, I'd like to register with Microsoft now" if you have a working Internet connection and you're ready to register. Click "Next" and follow the directions to register your copy of Windows XP. Or you can click on "No, not at this time" and click "Next" to skip the registration.
- 5). Create user accounts by entering the names of people who will use the computer in the allotted spaces on the "Who will use this computer?" screen. Click on "Next" when you're done. Click "Finish" to start up Windows XP.