The Qualities of a Feminine Woman
- A woman who is tenderhearted, yet not nagging, possesses a trait society commonly regards as feminine. According to the website What Do Men Really Think, this attitude attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Men seek a woman who is nurturing and mothering without being overly critical. An example of this involves a woman who knows her mate has a bad cold and cooks soup for him.
- According to the What Do Men Really Think website, a modest nature makes a woman feminine. She wears nice, attractive, clean clothing appropriate for a woman, whether it is a dress, a skirt of appropriate length, a pantsuit or a pair of women's jeans that are not too tight. The website suggests that, while a woman who dresses and behaves suggestively may be an object of short-term attraction, men regard women who are modest more worthy of a long-term commitment.
- A high-pitched, yet soft, sweet speaking voice is a feminine trait that attracts men. However, as What Do Men Really Think states, some men find women with smooth, low-pitched voices attractive, while yet others love a somewhat husky, raspy type of voice. The softness of tone, rather than the pitch, is the chief determinant of femininity.
- Society regards women who are listeners with the ability to empathize as feminine. As the NuWire Investor website suggests, this is as true in the marketplace as it is in the personal arena. According to the website, women have 11 percent more neurons in the area of the brain that controls emotion and memory. Their ability to listen to customers as they verbally grieve over a divorce or foreclosure they are experiencing helps the businesses for which they work thrive, even during tough economic times.
- Preferring to network rather than to work alone is also a feminine trait. Women like to verbally share ideas in an attempt to reach an end that is beneficial to the group as a whole. They are likely to sacrifice their desires to see the entire organization prosper. This is another trait that society regards as part of being a feminine woman, both in the business and the personal relationship arenas.
Modest Nature
Beauty of Voice
Empathy/Ability to Listen Without Judging
Networking Abilities