How to Get a Woman Back - Think She"s Moved On? Think Again! You Can Get Her Back!
Either she broke up with you and it's driving you crazy, or you broke up with her and now you regret it.
Either way, you want to get her back but now you're afraid that she's moved on and won't want to be with you anymore.
How do you know if she would want to be with you again? How do you compete with the new guy when you have a history that might not be so positive? It's true, the new guy doesn't have the history that the two of you have.
Chances are the relationship is shiny and new, and doesn't come with the baggage that yours would have if you figure out how to get her back.
But this can also work in your favor, especially if it's a rebound relationship.
Really, it's actually easier to get a woman back that's in a rebound relationship.
Why? Because everything the new guy does will be compared to how you always did it.
If you're a "bad boy" the new guy is probably incredibly boring.
Or if you were the responsible "good guy," she is probably out with a guy that she knows will be a player and never want a lasting relationship.
Even if she picks someone who is a lot like you, he will never compare and he won't know why.
Women pick new guys and rebound relationships as a way to prove that they've moved on.
She wants to show herself and you that she doesn't need you anymore.
But instead of being able to really have a relationship with the new guy, he's just going to be a constant reminder of you.
This is exactly what you want if you want to know how to get a woman back.
If she has seemingly moved on, that's what she wants you to think.
Which means that she really would be open to having a relationship with you again, she just needed a chance to see it.
You can get her back if you concentrate on keeping your relationship light and fun.
No talking about the past.
You don't want to pressure her in any way.
Instead you want to remind her of all of the good times you used to have.
You want her to remember how it felt when you first started dating so that she can fall in love with you again.