System Security Strategies
- One of the best ways to secure your system against digital threats is to ensure it is regularly updated with the latest security patches for your operating system. If you use a Windows operating system, enable the automatic download and installation of updates through the Control Panel. Install an antivirus program and make sure it is updated regularly and that you perform routine scans on your system and remove any viruses or other malicious software that is found. You can find free antivirus software online for personal use from vendors like AVG, who provide free antivirus downloads for home users. You can also take advantage of free online virus scans from companies such as Kaspersky and ESET, though these shouldn't substitute a dedicated antivirus program on your machine. Finally, choose passwords for your email and websites that are difficult to guess; change them frequently to prevent hackers from accessing your information.
- Once your system is safe from digital attackers, you shouldn't neglect to defend it against physical ones, either. Keep your computers locked and out of sight, and if they sit in a high-traffic area, consider chaining them to a large object, such as a desk so that they become difficult or impossible to take. In the event that your computer is stolen, encrypting your data so that it cannot be accessed without the proper password is a powerful way to keep your information safe in the event that someone steals your computer or hard drives. Free software to do this can be found in the form of TrueCrypt, an open-source software package that can encrypt your entire computer so that only you can gain access to the data. To download TrueCrypt (see "Resources").
Software Safety and Security
Physical Safety and Security