Discovering Natural Treatment For High Blood Pressure
There are so many myths concerning high blood pressure.
If you want to set your beliefs regarding the facts and fallacies and treatment for high blood pressure straight, read on.
The most common myth concerning this condition is that only people with hyper personalities can have this.
That is to say, people who are easy to anger and have quick tempers have this condition.
This is of course untrue.
Any person can have HBP regardless of their age, gender, size, race and weight.
Quick temper has got nothing to do with the development of this condition although an outburst of extreme emotion may cause aggravation of this condition.
This is actually a very serious condition that can trigger diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, heart failure and different ailments.
This is why it is important to keep the blood level normal as it is crucial in our over all systemic and organ functions.
This condition happens when the blood exerts force against the walls or linings of the arteries when the heart pumps blood.
If this happens chronically, it can cause serious, irreparable damage.
This is becoming more and more common in today's day and age.
In fact, statistics say that a ratio of 1:3 in the US is afflicted with this condition.
The worst part is, you can go on for years and not know that you have this condition as this does not usually show outward symptoms.
This is why it has been labeled as a "silent killer".
It is important to have our blood level checked even though you are feeling fit.
If it is normal, you only have to maintain it at that level.
If it is too high, this is the time you need to seek medical advice before it gets even worse.
Ideally, the normal blood level is below 140/90.
You can achieve this if you put a lot of priority in having healthy food choices.
Fatty food intake and alcohol should be kept minimized.
It would be best if everyone has a balanced diet, with more fruits and vegetables.
Regular exercise can also help burn the excess fats that may cause this condition.
Exercise helps normalizes our bodily functions.
If medical treatments do not really work for you and you have qualms in using this kind of treatment, you can always go for the natural treatment for high blood pressure.
Garlic You might be underestimating the benefits of this kitchen ingredient but this helps immensely in controlling our blood level.
It significantly reduces systolic blood pressure and thins out the blood to prevent blood clotting.
Hawthorn This powerful herbal remedy can significantly lower the level of blood.
There were individual studies that reports those who use hawthorn have improved remarkably.
Fish oil This contains omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA which are great in thinning the blood out and lowering not just the level of blood but also cholesterol and triglycerides.
If you want to set your beliefs regarding the facts and fallacies and treatment for high blood pressure straight, read on.
The most common myth concerning this condition is that only people with hyper personalities can have this.
That is to say, people who are easy to anger and have quick tempers have this condition.
This is of course untrue.
Any person can have HBP regardless of their age, gender, size, race and weight.
Quick temper has got nothing to do with the development of this condition although an outburst of extreme emotion may cause aggravation of this condition.
This is actually a very serious condition that can trigger diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, heart failure and different ailments.
This is why it is important to keep the blood level normal as it is crucial in our over all systemic and organ functions.
This condition happens when the blood exerts force against the walls or linings of the arteries when the heart pumps blood.
If this happens chronically, it can cause serious, irreparable damage.
This is becoming more and more common in today's day and age.
In fact, statistics say that a ratio of 1:3 in the US is afflicted with this condition.
The worst part is, you can go on for years and not know that you have this condition as this does not usually show outward symptoms.
This is why it has been labeled as a "silent killer".
It is important to have our blood level checked even though you are feeling fit.
If it is normal, you only have to maintain it at that level.
If it is too high, this is the time you need to seek medical advice before it gets even worse.
Ideally, the normal blood level is below 140/90.
You can achieve this if you put a lot of priority in having healthy food choices.
Fatty food intake and alcohol should be kept minimized.
It would be best if everyone has a balanced diet, with more fruits and vegetables.
Regular exercise can also help burn the excess fats that may cause this condition.
Exercise helps normalizes our bodily functions.
If medical treatments do not really work for you and you have qualms in using this kind of treatment, you can always go for the natural treatment for high blood pressure.
Garlic You might be underestimating the benefits of this kitchen ingredient but this helps immensely in controlling our blood level.
It significantly reduces systolic blood pressure and thins out the blood to prevent blood clotting.
Hawthorn This powerful herbal remedy can significantly lower the level of blood.
There were individual studies that reports those who use hawthorn have improved remarkably.
Fish oil This contains omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA which are great in thinning the blood out and lowering not just the level of blood but also cholesterol and triglycerides.