Lower Blood Pressure Naturally - How to Produce Nitric Oxide For Optimal Health
It is now well known that the molecule nitric oxide is responsible for many positive health benefits in the body including lowering blood pressure naturally.
The question is how do we get enough nitric oxide so that it makes a significant difference in our cardiovascular health and particularly our blood pressure.
One of the factors in nitric oxide therapy is the inclusion of nutraceutical supplements in your diet.
These are natural bioactive compounds with heath promoting properties and are very effective when consumed by themselves.
However, when taken together their total effect is greater than if you took them separately.
In a nitric oxide therapy program the nutraceutical supplements are a combination of specific amino acids and antioxidants.
Whether you currently have high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease or you want to prevent this condition you should seriously consider taking a daily supplement package.
There are certain functional foods or nutraceutical supplements which include red meat, fish, olive oil, nuts, and pomegranate juice that have the ability to produce nitric oxide in the body.
Functional foods are those that have naturally occurring compounds that provide a health benefit or will reduce the risk of disease.
Unfortunately when it comes to producing NO (nitric oxide) you would need to consume an excessive amount of these foods in order to produce enough NO to make a significant difference.
Although you should include these functional foods in you daily regime your diet alone won't be enough to provide the NO you need.
The Next Step This takes us to the next step, which is exercise.
When you exercise your body produces more NO than if you are at rest.
Provided you have no restrictions, exercise has no down side.
It can only be beneficial.
Exercise in combination with proper diet will produce nitric oxide in a greater amount than each would provide separately.
In fact, each of these elements will enhance the effectiveness of the other.
Although these steps are effective in producing NO in our bodies they do not raise the level of NO to the level that we require for optimal health.
The Final Step If you combine a diet of NO-producing foods, moderate exercise and proper amino acids and antioxidants, your body will produce NO in quantities, which will give you optimal health benefits.
This will keep your blood vessels relaxed, which can lower your blood pressure naturally.
It will help to keep your cholesterol at normal levels and discourage the formation of blood clogging plaque in your vessels.
This leads to a reduction of the inflammation which can cause atherosclerosis and this can all happen in as little as two weeks.
The question is how do we get enough nitric oxide so that it makes a significant difference in our cardiovascular health and particularly our blood pressure.
One of the factors in nitric oxide therapy is the inclusion of nutraceutical supplements in your diet.
These are natural bioactive compounds with heath promoting properties and are very effective when consumed by themselves.
However, when taken together their total effect is greater than if you took them separately.
In a nitric oxide therapy program the nutraceutical supplements are a combination of specific amino acids and antioxidants.
Whether you currently have high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease or you want to prevent this condition you should seriously consider taking a daily supplement package.
There are certain functional foods or nutraceutical supplements which include red meat, fish, olive oil, nuts, and pomegranate juice that have the ability to produce nitric oxide in the body.
Functional foods are those that have naturally occurring compounds that provide a health benefit or will reduce the risk of disease.
Unfortunately when it comes to producing NO (nitric oxide) you would need to consume an excessive amount of these foods in order to produce enough NO to make a significant difference.
Although you should include these functional foods in you daily regime your diet alone won't be enough to provide the NO you need.
The Next Step This takes us to the next step, which is exercise.
When you exercise your body produces more NO than if you are at rest.
Provided you have no restrictions, exercise has no down side.
It can only be beneficial.
Exercise in combination with proper diet will produce nitric oxide in a greater amount than each would provide separately.
In fact, each of these elements will enhance the effectiveness of the other.
Although these steps are effective in producing NO in our bodies they do not raise the level of NO to the level that we require for optimal health.
The Final Step If you combine a diet of NO-producing foods, moderate exercise and proper amino acids and antioxidants, your body will produce NO in quantities, which will give you optimal health benefits.
This will keep your blood vessels relaxed, which can lower your blood pressure naturally.
It will help to keep your cholesterol at normal levels and discourage the formation of blood clogging plaque in your vessels.
This leads to a reduction of the inflammation which can cause atherosclerosis and this can all happen in as little as two weeks.