Some Home Remedies For Sinus Headache
Millions of people suffer from it everyday.
They are caused by the inflammation of the lining of the sphenoid sinus cavity.
This cavity is present above the eyes, in the lower part of the head.
This inflammation causes excruciating headaches and pain behind the eye region.
Though, it is advisable to go to a good medical practitioner for a proper treatment, there are a large number of home remedies for sinus headache.
These remedies are good because they provide instantaneous relief.
One of the simplest remedies for sinus headache is dipping a towel in cold water and applying it to the affected part of the head.
When the towel becomes warm, flip it over.
After a few minutes, dip it in cold water and apply it again.
The best part about home remedies for sinus headache is that they have no side effects whatsoever.
Another way of getting rid of sinus headache is darkening the room and getting sleep for about half an hour.
Though this is no cure, it provides temporary relief.
The most instantaneous out of all home remedies for sinus headache is eating a chilli or a jalapeno pepper.
This drains the sinuses thus clearing them.
Inhaling steam also helps in draining the sinuses.
Adding a bit of peppermint to the water makes this method of treatment much more effective.
Peppermint is a very effective decongestant.
It decongests the infected mucous and clears the sinuses.
Other home remedies for sinus headache consist of making certain concoctions and applying them on the forehead.
A paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and water, if applied on the forehead gives immense relief to people suffering from sinus headache.
A paste of dry ginger in water or milk also helps.
Add ten to fifteen basil leaves and a few cloves to the dry ginger paste for more a more effective home remedy.
For a more severe sinus headache, dip your feet in warm water while taking the cold compress on the forehead.
Though there are a large number of home remedies for sinus headache, it is advisable to visit a doctor if the sinus symptoms don't recede or go away completely in about a week.