Language Creates Reality?
"The primary tenets of the postmodern movement include: (1) an elevation of text and language as the fundamental phenomena of existence, (2) the application of literary analysis to all phenomena, (3) a questioning of reality and representation, (4) a critique of metanarratives, (5) an argument against method and evaluation, (6) a focus upon power relations and hegemony, (7) and a general critique of Western institutions and knowledge (Kuznar 2008:78).
" The first principle is the main point to be addressed in this article.
In postmodernism, language is not descriptive, it is constructive!It is impossible that language describes racism, because postmoderns believe that language creates racism, just as one example.
I've had a difficult time comprehending this point.
It didn't hit me until recently that language is the core of postmodernism.
Postmodern philosophy does not believe in any objective standard of truth, right/wrong or reality, and so they have placed the onus on language.
It no longer is acceptable to define words and understand language according to meanings and grammar, because postmoderns believe this is the basis for power structures, oppression of minorities and cultural stigmatisms, among other things.
This line of thinking explains the postmodern idea that guns are always bad, and therefore should be outlawed.
There isn't any willingness to examine the reality that guns are bad in the hands of bad people and guns are safe in the hands of good people.
Not acceptable.
In the same way, racism isn't seen as a human condition.
It is seen as a construct of language!If we change the language, then racism will disappear!"Postmodernists insist that all, or nearly all, aspects of human psychology are completely socially determined.
" (Encyclopaedia Britannica)It looks like we should be able to cure all neuroticisms and psychotic abberations by simply teaching the victims a new vocabulary!1.
Society determines all aspects of human psychology.
Deconstruct language and therefore change social determination.
Ergo, 3.
Teach new vocabulary to construct new socially determined human psychology! Ooops!How can postmodernism contstruct a new human psychology?Postmoderns do not believe in objective truth, therefore how would they determine what the new psychology should be?In fact, the only thing that postmodernism has to offer besides skepticism and subjectivism is deconstruction.
Postmoderns want to deconstruct the societal determinisms of the past, but have nothing to offer in place except universalism, subjectivism, skepticism and fantasies.
In fact, the new psychology will probably soon say openly that the only abberant psychological tendencies in humans is the abberation of traditionalism and the belief in objective truth.
In other words, the deconstruction of language by postmodernism leaves no solution for the emotional turmoil, despair, confusion and chaos being experienced by individuals and cultures today.
It is just like dynamite:the only power it has is destructive.
How is it that children grow up into insecure adults?They were never given boundaries and they were never taught consequences for behavior.
These concepts are anathema to postmoderns.
And, so the consequence of this cultural mindset will be social chaos.
Only those who find and accept objective standards of truth and reality will be able to survive the chaos.
And, no one seems to be concerned about the one belief system that is moving to take over the chaos created by postmodernism.