What Plant Food is for a Rhododendron Plant?
- Rhododendrons and azaleas belong to a similar genus which contains nearly 900 species of semi-evergreen, evergreen and deciduous shrubs that usually bloom in spring.
- Rhododendrons are best fed with a specially-formulated rhododendron food. They can also be fertilized with the fertilizer for evergreens.
- Rhododendrons do not require a lot of fertilizer, and this need is often determined by the overall health of the plant. For instance, if the plant leaves are off-colored, apply the fertilizer between the middle of February to the end of April. For additional feeding use fertilizer right after the plant flowers.
- Yellow leaves may still remain after fertilizing. In this case apply sulfate of magnesium or Epsom salts in the middle of April. Mix a tablespoon of Epsom salts in one gallon of water. For larger plants, use two or three gallons of water and a gallon for the smaller ones.
- It is best not to fertilize rhododendrons during the summer. If the plants still have weak growth, few or small blossoms and weak leaf color use a 0-10-10 liquid fertilizer. Apply every month starting from July and ending in October. The 0 nitrogen level fertilizer will strengthen the plants for the winter and improve their overall health. Spray the fertilizer on plant leaves during the cooler time of day.
Best Food for Rhododendrons
Best Time to Feed
Additional Food
When Not To Fertilize