Exercises With a SloMo Ball
- Doing these standard exercises with a SloMo ball creates a different challenge than the traditional position and forces your body to use other muscles. For the pushup position, rest your shins on the ball and perform a pushup in the usual fashion. For the situp, put your calf muscles on the ball instead. Any standard variation in situps and pushups can also be built into this exercise.
- Position yourself on the ball so it is supporting your shoulders and the top of your back. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Perform the basic lift of fly motion as you would when lifting dumbbells normally by thrusting your arms straight up or arching them from a horizontal position to the vertical.
- Lie on your back and place your feet on top of the ball so they are in line with your back. Roll the ball toward you so your knees end up above your stomach, then roll the ball back the other way so your legs are straight again. This improves muscle tone in both the leg and back.
- Place your stomach on top of the ball and then either roll forward or lift yourself up to exercise the muscles in the lower back. The roll forward will leave you completely prone over the top of the ball, after which you will force yourself back up to the starting position. The lift is quite similar to the pushup and involves you placing your hands on the side of the ball for support.
- Any standard weight lifting exercises you do can also be performed using the ball, as it acts in a similar way to a workout bench with the added bonus of encouraging balance.
Pushups and Situps
Dumbbell Press and Fly
Leg Press
Back Extension
Workout Bench