White Skirt Tetra

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  • Scientific Name:Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
  • Other Names: Petticoat Tetra
  • Family: Characidae
  • Origin: Rio Paraguay, Rio Guapore, Bolivia
  • Adult Size: 2 inches (5.5 cm)
  • Social: Peaceful, good community fish
  • Lifespan: 5 years
  • Tank Level: Mid dweller
  • Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Diet: Omnivore, eats most foods
  • Breeding: Egglayer
  • Care: Easy
  • pH: 5.8 - 8.5
  • Hardness: to 30 dGH
  • Temperature: 68-79 F (20-26 C)

    This species is a color variation of the popular Black Widow/ Black Tetra. A number of long-finned and color varieties have been produced, some of which are artificially colored. Most notable of the color variations are the pastel blue and pink varieties, which are achieved via dyes. Any fish that may have been artificially colored should be avoided. They achieve their mature size of two inches at approximately one year of age.

    A schooling fish by nature, they are best kept in groups of three or more. Due to their peaceful nature, they make an excellent community fish. Some owners report that they sometimes nip the fins of slower moving fish, particularly those with long flowing fins such as Bettas or Angelfish.

    White skirts are undemanding species that will adapt to a range of conditions. Subdued lighting as well as neutral colored gravel substrate is preferred. They are accustomed to large plants in their natural habitat, and enjoy a planted aquarium. Water parameters may range from acidic to alkaline, and hard to soft.

    Ideally they should initially be matched to the water conditions from the supplier.

    Virtually any kind of live, fresh, frozen, freeze dried, or flake foods are suitable. For optimal health, provide a variety of foods that include high quality flake foods, brine shrimp, any type of worms, as well as vegetable supplements such as spirolina.

    Female white skirts are generally larger than the males and have a rounder body. Males have a broader anal fin, and a narrower more pointed dorsal fin.

    Larger males will generally claim a territory that they will guard during spawning periods. Although they are egg scatters they prefer to spawn among fine-leaved plants, which should be provided in the breeding tank. Once spawning has occurred the parents should be removed, as they will consume the eggs. Eggs will hatch after approximately one day. The fry may be fed freshly hatched brine shrimp, egg yolk, or finely ground flake foods.
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