Is the Space Between You and Your Ex Larger Than the Grand Canyon? Get Your Ex Back With This!
Step #1: Give space- I know we just said there is already space; but calling your ex a zillion times a day, sure doesn't sound very mature, now does it? You see, as long as you are desperately throwing yourself at your ex, he/she will not want you back; therefore you must cut off all communication, so as to not appear easy.
Step #2: Change - There is a great saying that goes "be the change you want to see", by Gandhi.
Now, that is what you must remember here, that if you actually expect your ex to want to be around you, talk to you, or take you back...
that you need to change.
Your ex probably broke up with you, because they got sick and tired of a few bad habits you had; and they got annoyed of always trying to change you.
Instead of telling your ex you have changed, this time just change so that they believe it on their own accord.
Step #3: Date your ex's friend - This is a dirty little trick, but it works.
You will notice that your ex will almost instantly be contacting you, once he/she realizes the threat of losing you is growing! You see, your ex will get very jealous, and will burn at the fact that one of his/her friends is all over you.
It will drive your ex completely nuts, and it will be something your ex will not leave alone, until they finally get you out of that relationship...
and ultimately get you back with them.