The Fail Safe Way on How to Get a Rebound Relationship to Work in Your Favor
You have no doubt in your mind that this is only a temporary situation, but the question still remains; How do you get him or her back? How can a rebound relationship work in your favor? Rebound relationships are used as a coping mechanism and a way to avoid the pain of a tough break up.
The other party is using someone else to avoid thinking about you.
It is a strategy that most of the time fails, and it is only a matter of time before that fact is realized.
The person who has "moved on" may or may not do this intentionally.
It is often just a normal reaction to hurt.
That is the key to how a rebound relationship can work in your favor, so you can get your ex back.
It shows that the other party still cares about you and is only in a rebound relationship to deal with losing you.
It does not matter why you and your significant other broke up to begin with or which party was the one that called it off.
The only thing that matters is what the two of you shared was the real deal.
It is because your relationship was the real deal that your love can be saved.
When the other person becomes involved in a rebound relationship it is usually with someone that is the opposite of you.
This is part of the fantasy, and it gets their mind off of you because it is not a constant reminder.
Just keep in mind that this is how a rebound relationship can work in your favor.
If they are with someone that is the opposite of you, it just means that they are missing something in their new relationship.
You can think of this rebound time as some down time to improve yourself and to do some self reflection.
The smartest advice is to just let the rebound relationship run its course, and think about how a rebound relationship can work in your favor.
The more time that is spent with the rebound person the more they will realize all the flaws that this person has because they will be comparing them to you.
After a month or so in the rebound relationship, you will start to look better to your ex, and they will begin to realize the mistake that they made letting you go.
That is why you want the distance between you and your ex.
It gives them time and distance to realize that you were in fact the one that they were meant to be with.
Let them discover on their own that they miss you and the time that the two of you spent together.
When your ex is ready to make a move, be there and welcome them back with open arms.
One mistake that you do not want to make is to chase them.
That will only work against you.
Below are some rules to keep in mind when your ex is in a rebound relationship: 1) Do not try to convince them that you are the only one for them.
Let them to be the one that discovers this.
2) Do not go out of your way to apologize like crazy.
This will only drive them away and confirm that they made the right decision by moving on.
If you did something wrong that you should apologize for, go ahead and say you are sorry.
Only do it one time and then move on.
3) Do not make promises to change who you are.
You are not being true to yourself.
You should never pretend to be someone you are not, be yourself because that is who they fell in love with in the first place.
4) Do not try to make them see that it was not you who did something wrong.
This will cause anger and resentment.
Leave it alone.
Do not make the other party waste energy in defending their position.
5) The last and most import rule is never, ever beg them to take you back.
It never works and will only anger the other person.
When your ex starts dating someone hours after you break up, do not despair it is only a rebound relationship.
Just keep a positive attitude and remind yourself on how a rebound relationship can work in your favor.
It is important to let him or her go through this rebound relationship so they can see what they had.
It is only something that they need to do in order to get back to you.