How to Simplify Your Day
- 1). Review your daily routine and assess whether there are tasks you do daily that can be consolidated into once every few days. If you find more than one of the tasks can be consolidated, perform them on alternate days. For example, if you do laundry every day and vacuum every day, determine whether it is feasible to do laundry every other day and to vacuum every other day. Even if you are performing more of the task than you would if you did it every day, condensing it into a single task will be simpler to perform than two separate tasks.
- 2). Review the organizational set up of your home or workspace. Keeping on top of clutter may be an additional task, but it will make your other tasks simpler if you do not have to get past the clutter to get started. For example, filing your paperwork daily will assist you to keep on track with priority tasks. Without the distraction of long-term projects you can remain focused on what needs to be done immediately.
- 3). Review your social commitments. We are all encouraged to have a life outside of work and family; however, if your social commitments have become a strain on your daily schedule, pull back from them. Suggest to friends you meet every two weeks for coffee instead of every week. Drop out of that exercise class and choose instead to walk the dog with your family after dinner. Say no when you're asked to help out with school or work fundraisers or offer a less taxing commitment. For example, instead of working the table for several hours at a bake sale, offer to drop off some cupcakes.
- 4). Keep priorities in check and allow yourself to put off what is less important. A day can often be simplified by letting things go undone. For example, choose to clean out the garage when the kids are out of school or have no activities. Trying to get your son ready for the little league game and sorting through the stack of old sports equipment can often be too much for one day.
- 5). Take a few moments for quiet time by yourself. Often a few moments of peace is enough to make the day seem simpler and for you to recharge your batteries before the day begins. Don't be shy about taking a quick walk around the block or an extra long shower to give yourself time to put the day in perspective.