Mysterious Tips to Get Your Ex Lover to Come Back
You have come to the point of frustration, and not sure where to go at this point.
The next step you need to make is trying new strange tips to literally shock them into coming back to you.
The best way to achieve this is through psychological strategies that are a definite way to get them back.
Using "out-of-the-box" tips will have them guessing and confuse them, making them not know what to do.
Start your weird behaviour by telling them you are joining a religion.
Just say you are trying to turn over a new leaf.
You are trying to purify yourself from all the "mistakes" in your past.
Leave it at that and let them think about it.
Tell them you are joining a missionary group or foundation to help people in need and crisis.
You need a sense of feeling appreciated and contributing to a higher cause after all the turmoil of your past.
They will start to feel that they are responsible for your new bizarre behaviour.
But they won't be sure, so you will have them all caught up in confusion.
Think about all their bad habits or negative habits and tell her you have met someone who is the POLAR OPPOSITE of them.
If they smoke, drink, don't exercise, swear, eat unhealthy, etc.
Emphasize on the fact that this new person in your life does none of these things.
These are somewhat cold, but they work very effectively to render your ex vulnerable and unsure of themselves.
This is right where you want them to have things on your terms.