My Wife Cheated on Me - Now I Want Her Back!
Anyone who is saying the words "My wife cheated on me and now I want her back" is going to be going through a tough time of it.
Thoughts and emotions are going to be running wild and the thought of trying to get her back is a tough one to cope with.
You want to know where to start without letting her think that you are week and going to easily forgive her.
On the other hand you don't want her to think that you don't want her back so that she is pushed further into the arms of another man.
Coping with your emotions is the first thing that you should be thinking of tackling.
If you can't get yourself together how are you going to start thinking rationally and with logic instead of acting out of emotion.
If you continue to go down this path then the chances are that you are going to start speaking with her and end up in yet another massive row - planning what you are going to do and when is the key to being successful.
But remember, you wont be able to do this if you don't clear your head and know where you want to be.
Think about what was good about your relationship before the affair happened but think about what was bad as more often than not, there is always something bad going on before she cheated.
Weigh up how you really feel in the cold light of day and think rationally.
Try to avoid further confrontation and keep her at a distance until you have got your head together.
Thoughts and emotions are going to be running wild and the thought of trying to get her back is a tough one to cope with.
You want to know where to start without letting her think that you are week and going to easily forgive her.
On the other hand you don't want her to think that you don't want her back so that she is pushed further into the arms of another man.
Coping with your emotions is the first thing that you should be thinking of tackling.
If you can't get yourself together how are you going to start thinking rationally and with logic instead of acting out of emotion.
If you continue to go down this path then the chances are that you are going to start speaking with her and end up in yet another massive row - planning what you are going to do and when is the key to being successful.
But remember, you wont be able to do this if you don't clear your head and know where you want to be.
Think about what was good about your relationship before the affair happened but think about what was bad as more often than not, there is always something bad going on before she cheated.
Weigh up how you really feel in the cold light of day and think rationally.
Try to avoid further confrontation and keep her at a distance until you have got your head together.