How to Gain an Inch of Penis Size (Or More!)
And what is that product, you might ask? It's the penis traction device otherwise known as an extender.
How does a penile extender work? Simple.
It works on the proven medical principle of traction.
Traction has been used in orthopaedics for a long time.
Why? Because it works to increase soft & hard tissue, even bone! The concept is simple yet very effective.
A constant, measured force is place upon the tissue that needs to be expanded.
This is a painless process & only takes a few weeks to a couple of months depending on what & how much you wish to enlarge.
The body's natural reaction to this pressure is to generate new cells.
These cells build up in the area that's being expanded & make that tissue permanently larger.
Since you want to gain an inch or two of penis size, you need a medical device that is designed specifically to enlarge your penis.
Luckily, such devices now exist.
In fact, they have been around for quite a few years.
Long enough that clinical trials have been conducted which verify that a traction device, or extender, can easily add inches to your penis length & girth.
One of the first studies conducted consisted of 24 men.
All were tested over an 8 week period with a traction device.
Guess what? All 24 men gained in size.
The average was about 18%.
That's a significant size gain.
If you had a 6-inch penis & wore a traction device the required amount of time (2-6 hours a day), then you would have a new size of 7.
08 inches -- & that's just after a couple of months.
You can actually gain as much as 30% with the right device worn for the appropriate amount of time over a 6 month period.
You can continue to wear the device after that.
You can still gain, but not as fast as in the first few months.
And, the gains of inches to your penis size are permanent! Because once you grow the cells, they will not go away.
This means that even if you stop using the device, your size gains remain.
Stop using pills or creams & watch what happens...
bye bye eye candy.
The best devices have been thoroughly tested for your safety, & most have at least a 6-month guarantee.
That means you have a full half a year in order to gain an inch or two in your penis size.
And if you follow the simple instructions, you will gain size.
I myself have gained 1.
5" in length &.
5" in girth since I started using a traction device.
That's 2" in total gains.
It took me about 8 months to make these gains.
However, I also could have stuck with the program a little better & probably could have seen better results.
These are realistic goals, & you can achieve the same gains (if not better!) with the right penis extender device.
The one I use is quite comfortable & fully adjustable.