How to Get Along With People Around Us

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How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.
Ps 133:1 (NIV) Unity in the church is one of the most important aspect of Christianity.
The reason why we find so many quarrels amongst believers is because we live in diversity and have no point of unity.
The prayer of Jesus in John 17:20 - 21 was for all believers to be ONE.
The question is: Are we really ONE? The intention of Jesus was not for us to lay emphasis on own denomination, our personal thoughts and convictions, our doctrines etc.
I believe Jesus intended that we be one in all ramification in spite of our physical differences.
When the Psalmist said "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity", He was talking about the ideal situation-what it ought to be.
I have experienced such many times.
But in practical terms, the reality of this truth is not realized by many believers and of course the result is quarrel and dispute.
Little wonder we see believers promoting their church over another or promote their denomination and doctrine over another.
Many others promote their personal thoughts and expect others to automatically follow.
God made us and he made us differently.
Anyone that has accepted Christ and Lord and Saviour is expected to have the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5) and not operate from his own thinking.
This is what makes us united: THINKING LIKE JESUS.
For us to really get along as believers and as brethren, we must learn to understand each other.
Learning to understand that we are not in anyway better than the other person by us and understanding that we all have weaknesses that must be addressed.
If we learn and accept this truth and ask God deal with our weaknesses and develop our strength, we'll get along just fine.
In addition, the most powerful binding force ever is the bond of LOVE.
Remember the Bible says "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love"(1 Cor 13:13).
If we all have genuine love one to another, the issue of quarrels and disputes will be a thing of the past.
We will not struggle to get along with each other.
Love breaks a lot of boundaries and seals all the hurts and pain and bitterness we carry against each other.
If only we can show this love in everything we do, then we'll fare well.
It is very important also that we dwell together with purity.
Dirty thoughts breeds dirty desire and actions.
James 4:1 says "What causes quarrel and fighting among you? Don't they come from the evil desires that war within you?" We must cleanse our hearts and erase every thought that does not glorify God.
Like we said earlier, our mind should be like that of Christ - A pure heart.
Our live should bring fourth the aroma of JESUS as long as we live.
United we stand and divided we fall.
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