Painting Tips for Less Mess
- A host of masking materials clog the shelves of your local painting and home improvement stores. If you want to prevent unintentional messes, take advantage of these items. Use masking paper to cover adjacent surfaces and protect them from paint overlap and overspray. Hold the paper in place, using professional painter's masking tape. Don't use ordinary masking tape, or paint may bleed underneath. Don't use especially adhesive tape, such as duct and electrical tape, or residues may cling to the underlying surface. Use the appropriate drop cloths to cover underlying surfaces. Avoid cheap plastic drop cloths that allow splatters and drips to pool; instead, use dense canvas drop cloths that absorb paint into their fibers.
- Prevent runs, drips and splatters by choosing the appropriate tools for the specific surface you plan to paint. Use polyester paintbrushes on slick surfaces; use nylon brushes to paint rough surfaces. Use thick nap roller covers on rough surfaces; use foam roller covers to paint slick surfaces.
- Over-application is the number one cause of paint drips and splatters. For best results, apply thin coats of paint. Don't over-saturate your paintbrush or roller; instead, paint one small area at a time and dip your brush or roller often. Move your roller slowly to prevent paint from slinging onto nearby surfaces. Move your paintbrush slowly as you apply,to prevent unwanted paint overlap.
- Rushing is a common cause of paint mishaps. Painting can be a tedious, back-breaking endeavor. The excitement you feel at the beginning of a painting project may fade once you feel the first signs of fatigue. Minimize the likelihood of messes by taking several breaks during the application process. Be sure to remain calm and breathe deeply as you apply paint to ensure that your hand remains steady with each brush stroke.