The Poor People in USA
According to the report from United States Census Bureau, there are 4,360,000 in USA in 2009.
It means 1/7 people in USA is poor.
The number breaks the record in the history in USA.
And the situation will be worse next year and some people predict the number will be increased to as high as 1/5 among the whole population.
Do you know what the problems result in this phenomenon? 1.
The poverty line is higher than other countries In 2009, the poverty line in USA is annual income USD22,050 for a family with four members.
If the annual income lower than USD22,050, the family will be considered to be poor people.
But in fact, 46% of those people have private car and house and 30% of them own two cars.
Obviously, the poverty line is much higher than other countries.
The effect of the economic crisis took place in 2008 The serious economic crisis took place in 2008 is another main reason to increase the number of poor people.
The president Obama also admit the economy in USA is still difficult.
The jobless rate reaches the peak.
Do you know what the poor people's life in USA look like? In fact, the welfare from government is too well-off to poor people.
They will be provided food stamp from government.
It is a kind of card and government will deposit money to it monthly.
And people can use it to purchase bread, fruit, and meat and so on.
Government invest much money on providing low-rent housing to them.
The cost is less than 30% of the poor families' income.
Then they can use more than 70% of their income to purchase other daily necessities, like clothes, mobile...
Donation from charity organizations.
More and more rich people in USA are willing to donate their money to poor people.
And it is very helpful to the poor.
It means 1/7 people in USA is poor.
The number breaks the record in the history in USA.
And the situation will be worse next year and some people predict the number will be increased to as high as 1/5 among the whole population.
Do you know what the problems result in this phenomenon? 1.
The poverty line is higher than other countries In 2009, the poverty line in USA is annual income USD22,050 for a family with four members.
If the annual income lower than USD22,050, the family will be considered to be poor people.
But in fact, 46% of those people have private car and house and 30% of them own two cars.
Obviously, the poverty line is much higher than other countries.
The effect of the economic crisis took place in 2008 The serious economic crisis took place in 2008 is another main reason to increase the number of poor people.
The president Obama also admit the economy in USA is still difficult.
The jobless rate reaches the peak.
Do you know what the poor people's life in USA look like? In fact, the welfare from government is too well-off to poor people.
They will be provided food stamp from government.
It is a kind of card and government will deposit money to it monthly.
And people can use it to purchase bread, fruit, and meat and so on.
Government invest much money on providing low-rent housing to them.
The cost is less than 30% of the poor families' income.
Then they can use more than 70% of their income to purchase other daily necessities, like clothes, mobile...
Donation from charity organizations.
More and more rich people in USA are willing to donate their money to poor people.
And it is very helpful to the poor.