My Love Match - What"s Perfect for Me?
Do you want to find your true love match, but you don't know where to begin? Could your love match be out of reach and you think you may never be able to even get close to him? Might your idea of your love match be different that what would truly make you happy? Women are constantly hooking up with guys who are completely wrong for them.
Yet, these women are blinded by how handsome, cute and irresistible he is.
They figure, so long as he looks great and is super sexy and cool, everything else will simply fall into place.
Believe me, it rarely ever does.
If you want to stop wasting time and find your true love match, read on to see what you need to do.
Who Are You? In general, women have a hard time answering this one.
We're our parents' daughter, we're our siblings' sister and we're our neighbors' friend.
We're a hard worker, a caring grand-daughter and a doting aunt.
But when you peel away all those lable, who are we really? What do we want out of a relationship with a man and what do we have to give to him in return? Surely you've seen plenty of relationships around you.
Did you envy the woman whose husband was tender and caring? Or do you prefer the adventure your sister is constantly caught up in due to her husband's wild streak? Are you looking for someone to take care of you, or do you simply want someone who'll share in all that you have to offer? Knowing what you want can be a great step in the right direction and will ensure you get what you really want.
If not, you'll stumble along trying to make the wrong guys fit into that mold reserved for the right one.
Slip Right By You'd be surprised to learn of the number of women who almost let their love match pass them by.
These are women who had a grand vision of what their perfect man should be and when they'd meet men who didn't quite measure up, they were reluctant to see the guy again.
Good thing they changed their minds because those average looking guys turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to these women.
While it's important to know what you want, don't have such a strict and rigid list of qualities that the guy has to have.
You may find yourself with the perfect looking guy who treats you like trash while that average Joe who wanted to treat you like a princess was shoved aside because of his love handles.
Open Your Eyes Your love match could be right there where you didn't expect to find him.
Keep your heart and your eyes open, then be ready to show him all the love you have to give.
This doesn't have to be overdone or overblown, but show him you're receptive to his advances and let him see that you want to get to know him more.
Love can sometimes sneak up on us in the most unexpected ways, and that love can often be aimed at the man we least expected to be attracted to.
Don't deny your emotions just because everything is not as perfect as you'd imagined.
Yet, these women are blinded by how handsome, cute and irresistible he is.
They figure, so long as he looks great and is super sexy and cool, everything else will simply fall into place.
Believe me, it rarely ever does.
If you want to stop wasting time and find your true love match, read on to see what you need to do.
Who Are You? In general, women have a hard time answering this one.
We're our parents' daughter, we're our siblings' sister and we're our neighbors' friend.
We're a hard worker, a caring grand-daughter and a doting aunt.
But when you peel away all those lable, who are we really? What do we want out of a relationship with a man and what do we have to give to him in return? Surely you've seen plenty of relationships around you.
Did you envy the woman whose husband was tender and caring? Or do you prefer the adventure your sister is constantly caught up in due to her husband's wild streak? Are you looking for someone to take care of you, or do you simply want someone who'll share in all that you have to offer? Knowing what you want can be a great step in the right direction and will ensure you get what you really want.
If not, you'll stumble along trying to make the wrong guys fit into that mold reserved for the right one.
Slip Right By You'd be surprised to learn of the number of women who almost let their love match pass them by.
These are women who had a grand vision of what their perfect man should be and when they'd meet men who didn't quite measure up, they were reluctant to see the guy again.
Good thing they changed their minds because those average looking guys turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to these women.
While it's important to know what you want, don't have such a strict and rigid list of qualities that the guy has to have.
You may find yourself with the perfect looking guy who treats you like trash while that average Joe who wanted to treat you like a princess was shoved aside because of his love handles.
Open Your Eyes Your love match could be right there where you didn't expect to find him.
Keep your heart and your eyes open, then be ready to show him all the love you have to give.
This doesn't have to be overdone or overblown, but show him you're receptive to his advances and let him see that you want to get to know him more.
Love can sometimes sneak up on us in the most unexpected ways, and that love can often be aimed at the man we least expected to be attracted to.
Don't deny your emotions just because everything is not as perfect as you'd imagined.