There are many reasons you should choose to get an eye exam. Checking visual acuity, diagnosing for
Visual Acuity
The eyeball takes in light rays and deflects them onto the retina in the back of the eye. In the normal eye, this deflection projects the image exactly onto the retina. If the eyeball is either too long or too wide, the image is projected either in front of or behind the retina, causing a reduction in acuity. If the eyeball is too long, and the image is projected behind the retina, the eye is said to have hyperopia, or be farsighted. This person can see far objects normally but has difficulty seeing objects close up. If the eyeball is too wide, the image is projected in front of the retina. This produces a condition called myopia, and the eye is said to be nearsighted. This person can see near objects normally but cannot see objects well at a distance. Visual acuity can be corrected with external lenses, either as glasses or contact lenses.
Eye Disorders
Another reason to have an eye exam would be to detect any disorders of the eyes. Cataracts are an opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye. Symptoms include gradual, painless blurring of vision. Cataract extraction is done with an intraocular lens implant. Detached retina can be caused by myopic degeneration or trauma, hemmorhage, tumor, or exudate in front of or behind the retina. Symptoms include floating spots, flashes of light, and progressive constriction of vision in one area. Conservative treatment requires the person to lie down quietly in bed with eyes covered. If spontaneous reattachment does not occur, surgical correction is necessary. Glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure. Symptoms such as foggy vision or headaches can occur. Treatment is with the eye drops that control intraocular pressure.
Developmental Problems
Children who have uncorrected vision problems often experience learning disabilities and can cause permanent loss of vision if left untreated. Strabismus is a misalignment of visual axes that can involve one or both eyes. The end result can cause esotropia (cross eye), exotropia (walleye), or amblyopia (lazy eye).
Diagnosis of any of these disorders must be made by an examination. Therefore, it is in your best interest to get vision checked at least every 1 to 2 years.