The True Meaning of Serial Numbers - Economic Value and Ownership
Everything in our world today revolves around commerce and economic value.
Have you ever noticed that serial numbers are on EVERYTHING!: Dollar bills, your bank account, your car (VIN), traffic tickets.
Even YOU have been serialized by your birth certificate, driver's license, SSN card etc.
Practically every household appliance and product you own has a serial number, and of course let's not forget credit cards, mortgages, loan applications.
The list goes on and on..
The true measure of the worth of any given product or thing is not based on its price tag, sticker amount or printed face value.
The actual value of a $20, $50 or $100 dollar bill is NOT the stated dollar amount, the real underlying value of anything is represented by its serial number.
That $20 bill in your wallet in truth has no value! The serial number is simply an identification code or tracking number used for "inventory" purposes.
The Federal Reserve needs to track their "collateral" connected to the 24-Trillion Dollar national debt that they originated and that we owe.
Serial numbers represent government debt.
Since 1933, when then President Roosevelt declared the US Federal government bankrupt, our money supply has been based on 'legal tender' debt notes, secured by the labor and production of American citizens.
Us, and everything we think we own, has been pledged as collateral assets to a private cartel of International bankers, in truth the country's creditors, called the Federal Reserve.
The true value of all collateralized things with serial numbers printed on or attached to them, is commercial value in the form of a claim or lien.
This means that all bills and bonds are issued with a prior commercial claim already registered against them, because each represents a portion of the national debt .
The people became collateral for the country's national debt when laws were passed requiring each citizen to register with the Department of Commerce via birth certificates and social security numbers, which were then sold as bonds on the international market.
The bonded assets (us!) pledged by Congress in the form of Treasury Bills are based on the labor and productivity of the American people, and are repayable in the form of taxes.
With the ever increasing national deficit growing out of control, our children's children will still be paying the interest on a legacy of debt incurred by their great grandparents.
Like your birth certificate, the 'certificate of title' on your car, or any item of worth, does not legally entitle you to ownership.
It is just a 'certificate' of the ownership or title and not the title itself.
The title is held by the government who created and issued the certificate as evidence of their previous superior claim.
If all this is true, you may wonder, how can we purchase and pay for a large ticket items like cars or real estate, with valueless debt notes? The reality is, we can't! We can only exchange possession of the item by trading papers with serial numbers.
We maintain temporary possession until such time as our "creditors", aka the Federal Reserve, decide to "foreclose" on our outstanding debt.
If, or rather when, the Feds choose to foreclose on the debt of the American people, they can legally confiscate ALL PROPERTY because it is all considered collateral on the debt that they claim! This includes everything you think you own, yourself and your children included! If you don't believe the Feds would actually exercise their authority to foreclose on the people, ask yourself WHY they would set it up that way to begin with...
Have you ever noticed that serial numbers are on EVERYTHING!: Dollar bills, your bank account, your car (VIN), traffic tickets.
Even YOU have been serialized by your birth certificate, driver's license, SSN card etc.
Practically every household appliance and product you own has a serial number, and of course let's not forget credit cards, mortgages, loan applications.
The list goes on and on..
The true measure of the worth of any given product or thing is not based on its price tag, sticker amount or printed face value.
The actual value of a $20, $50 or $100 dollar bill is NOT the stated dollar amount, the real underlying value of anything is represented by its serial number.
That $20 bill in your wallet in truth has no value! The serial number is simply an identification code or tracking number used for "inventory" purposes.
The Federal Reserve needs to track their "collateral" connected to the 24-Trillion Dollar national debt that they originated and that we owe.
Serial numbers represent government debt.
Since 1933, when then President Roosevelt declared the US Federal government bankrupt, our money supply has been based on 'legal tender' debt notes, secured by the labor and production of American citizens.
Us, and everything we think we own, has been pledged as collateral assets to a private cartel of International bankers, in truth the country's creditors, called the Federal Reserve.
The true value of all collateralized things with serial numbers printed on or attached to them, is commercial value in the form of a claim or lien.
This means that all bills and bonds are issued with a prior commercial claim already registered against them, because each represents a portion of the national debt .
The people became collateral for the country's national debt when laws were passed requiring each citizen to register with the Department of Commerce via birth certificates and social security numbers, which were then sold as bonds on the international market.
The bonded assets (us!) pledged by Congress in the form of Treasury Bills are based on the labor and productivity of the American people, and are repayable in the form of taxes.
With the ever increasing national deficit growing out of control, our children's children will still be paying the interest on a legacy of debt incurred by their great grandparents.
Like your birth certificate, the 'certificate of title' on your car, or any item of worth, does not legally entitle you to ownership.
It is just a 'certificate' of the ownership or title and not the title itself.
The title is held by the government who created and issued the certificate as evidence of their previous superior claim.
If all this is true, you may wonder, how can we purchase and pay for a large ticket items like cars or real estate, with valueless debt notes? The reality is, we can't! We can only exchange possession of the item by trading papers with serial numbers.
We maintain temporary possession until such time as our "creditors", aka the Federal Reserve, decide to "foreclose" on our outstanding debt.
If, or rather when, the Feds choose to foreclose on the debt of the American people, they can legally confiscate ALL PROPERTY because it is all considered collateral on the debt that they claim! This includes everything you think you own, yourself and your children included! If you don't believe the Feds would actually exercise their authority to foreclose on the people, ask yourself WHY they would set it up that way to begin with...