Your Trusty Pool Maintenance Checklist Is Born!
Pool owners tend to be ignorant sometimes.
I know, it is harsh to read that statement but it is true.
We all know that any form of ignorance on anything is bound to crash and burn right? Yeah well, it is the same thing with pool maintenance.
Each step in pool maintenance is crucial to keep one's pool in healthy shape.
Yup, no step should be skipped and ignored for the whole balance would be disrupted.
It sounds so serious I know.
But it is true.
Let's check out this pool maintenance check list.
Have you skipped out a step lately? Well, let's see how you do.
- DAILY POOL MAINTENANCE - Fishing out pool debris either small or big with either deep or shallow skimmer net.
It really depends where or on what you're going to use it? - Scrubbing your pool floors, surfaces and floors with a hard bristled brush.
- Vacuuming the debris and crud suspended on the pool's platform.
- Leave your filter running over night.
Ideally, your filter should run for 24 hours a day.
- Leave your pool cleaner running in the pool overnight.
- Test if pool chemicals are in their right and safe levels by using quality water test strips and kits.
- Adjusting your pool chemicals according to your readings.
- Lightly cleaning your pool equipment and accessories.
- If you could, cover your pool on a daily basis to prevent elements and filth from getting in it.
-WEEKLY POOL MAINTENANCE - Carry out with the pool's daily routine cleaning.
- Now is the best time to apply water shock to your pool.
Usually, 2 bags of water shock is due to moderate sized pools.
And 3 for the big ones.
- The time has come again to kill those algae.
Put in a bottle's worth of algaecide in your pool.
-Brush the pool's walls and surfaces with a stainless steel bristled brush to destroy possible algal blooms.
-Run your filter for 2 to 3 days straight.
-Backwash your filter for about 5 minutes to get rid of dirt and debris.
-Rest your filter of 8 hours on each day of the weekend.
Honey, they are just machines, they need rest too.
You know what they say, all work and no REST makes a filter dull.
Oh ok, that one's made up.
-MONTHLY POOL MAINTENANCE -Now is the time to drain your pool water.
Yes, that water of yours has to go.
Oh come one my dear, it's been a month.
Chemicals can only do so much.
A monthly water replacement is for your family's safety.
Draining your pool will probably take about 2 days.
Be patient.
It's the PROTOCOL.
-Pick up all leftover grime and grub with a shovel and dispose of it.
Leave nothing behind.
NO MERCY! -Acid wash your pool with quality muriatic acid.
Just remember to wear your safety gear before you do this ok? Your safety gear consists of a gas mask, strong rubber gloves and goggles.
Do not be all macho and wear nothing.
Muriatic acid is a strong substance.
You want to be safe than sorry believe me.
-Clean your pool accessories and apparatuses.
What did you miss out? Well, it's OK.
Just make it up.
And you better print out this instructions so you won't have to miss out on a step.
Remember, a clean pool makes a pool owner happy and safe.
Hey, that should be your new motto!
I know, it is harsh to read that statement but it is true.
We all know that any form of ignorance on anything is bound to crash and burn right? Yeah well, it is the same thing with pool maintenance.
Each step in pool maintenance is crucial to keep one's pool in healthy shape.
Yup, no step should be skipped and ignored for the whole balance would be disrupted.
It sounds so serious I know.
But it is true.
Let's check out this pool maintenance check list.
Have you skipped out a step lately? Well, let's see how you do.
- DAILY POOL MAINTENANCE - Fishing out pool debris either small or big with either deep or shallow skimmer net.
It really depends where or on what you're going to use it? - Scrubbing your pool floors, surfaces and floors with a hard bristled brush.
- Vacuuming the debris and crud suspended on the pool's platform.
- Leave your filter running over night.
Ideally, your filter should run for 24 hours a day.
- Leave your pool cleaner running in the pool overnight.
- Test if pool chemicals are in their right and safe levels by using quality water test strips and kits.
- Adjusting your pool chemicals according to your readings.
- Lightly cleaning your pool equipment and accessories.
- If you could, cover your pool on a daily basis to prevent elements and filth from getting in it.
-WEEKLY POOL MAINTENANCE - Carry out with the pool's daily routine cleaning.
- Now is the best time to apply water shock to your pool.
Usually, 2 bags of water shock is due to moderate sized pools.
And 3 for the big ones.
- The time has come again to kill those algae.
Put in a bottle's worth of algaecide in your pool.
-Brush the pool's walls and surfaces with a stainless steel bristled brush to destroy possible algal blooms.
-Run your filter for 2 to 3 days straight.
-Backwash your filter for about 5 minutes to get rid of dirt and debris.
-Rest your filter of 8 hours on each day of the weekend.
Honey, they are just machines, they need rest too.
You know what they say, all work and no REST makes a filter dull.
Oh ok, that one's made up.
-MONTHLY POOL MAINTENANCE -Now is the time to drain your pool water.
Yes, that water of yours has to go.
Oh come one my dear, it's been a month.
Chemicals can only do so much.
A monthly water replacement is for your family's safety.
Draining your pool will probably take about 2 days.
Be patient.
It's the PROTOCOL.
-Pick up all leftover grime and grub with a shovel and dispose of it.
Leave nothing behind.
NO MERCY! -Acid wash your pool with quality muriatic acid.
Just remember to wear your safety gear before you do this ok? Your safety gear consists of a gas mask, strong rubber gloves and goggles.
Do not be all macho and wear nothing.
Muriatic acid is a strong substance.
You want to be safe than sorry believe me.
-Clean your pool accessories and apparatuses.
What did you miss out? Well, it's OK.
Just make it up.
And you better print out this instructions so you won't have to miss out on a step.
Remember, a clean pool makes a pool owner happy and safe.
Hey, that should be your new motto!