Best Way to Grow Your Penis

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For many men, having a bigger penis will help them to improve their sex lives by ensuring that their partners are able to enjoy total satisfaction during sex.
However, in order to have a bigger and healthier penis, it is essential that you choose the best method.
It is not easy to filter the good from the bad when you are bombarded with so many companies that claim their products are the best when it comes to enlarging your member.
Most of these methods don't work at all.
As a matter of fact, the same methods that don't work are also very dangerous to use, or can be dangerous when not used for the right reasons.
Penis pumps are a good example of this.
When using this device for the right reason, it can be extremely beneficial for the user.
Unfortunately, the right reason is not to enlarge the penis.
This device is designed for the sole purpose of helping men that suffer from erectile dysfunction.
The slight increase in size of the member is only a secondary effect, and only lasts between 20 to 30 minutes.
Let us take a look at how it can potentially be harmful to use if used for the wrong reasons; In order for this device to work, the user will place a tube over his penis.
He will also make sure that the end of the tube is sealed so that no air can come in or out of it.
The user will then use a hand or electric pump to create a vacuum inside the tube, which in turn draws blood into the penis.
Because of this, the penis will become erect.
In order for the penis to stay erect, the user will then put a constriction ring at the base of the penis so that it can trap the blood inside.
Now let us see how it can be potentially dangerous for a person that has no problem getting an erection; Because the user truly believes that this device will enlarge his penis, he will go ahead by using the device correctly only to find that he has an unnatural erection.
He will also notice that there is no real size gains to his member.
Because of this, the user will then try to apply more suction pressure.
This is where things go wrong; By applying too much suction pressure to the penis, there is a high risk of bruising, blood clotting, and blood vessel bursting.
All of these conditions are extremely painful, and can also lead to permanent damage to the penis.
Now let us take a look at one method that is effective and safe to use; The penis extender is able to effectively enlarge the penis permanently when used correctly.
It does so by using traction force to gradually stretch the member over time.
This device is designed to never overstretch the penis, thus avoiding any type of unnecessary injury that can arise from that.
Because the user has nothing more to do than just putting it on, there is less human error involved in the stretching process.
The reason why the extender is able to show noticeable and permanent results within a relatively quick time, is because the user is able to wear it throughout the day without anybody even noticing that he has on.
This is because the device is small enough so that it cannot be noticed under loose clothing.
By choosing a device that is actually designed for enlarging the penis, you will ensure yourself not only a proportionally longer and thicker penis, but a healthy one as well.
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