When Do You Notice the First Signs of Pregnancy?
- If you have had a small amount of bleeding 11 or 12 days after the time you should have had a period, you may be pregnant. This happens due to the egg digging into your uterus. This bleeding will be light and brown, possibly pink in color. If you see this, check with your doctor.
- If you are feeling incredibly tired, it may be hormones in your body telling you that you're pregnant. This tends to fade in the second trimester. You might find that in the morning you are a bit nauseous, or you may actually vomit. This is a strong indication you may be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test or go to your doctor.
- If you have missed a period, you may be pregnant. This may be hard to detect if you have irregular periods, but a quick pregnancy test will put your mind at rest.
- Another sign of early pregnancy, and one that follow you throughout the process, is the frequent need to urinate. This is due to an increase of fluid production in the body, which travels through your body and to your bladder. Extra urination will appear sometime around the six week mark.
Missed Period