Select an Old Garden Rose For Your Yard!
Roses are one of the most beloved flowers of all time. Many people wish to grow beautiful roses but worry that they may be difficult to cultivate. Many modern rose varieties are delicate and require a green thumb to keep them going, however old garden roses are a forgotten classic that are easy to grow and beautiful!
Old roses are types of flowers that existed before modern rose breeding techniques emerged in 1867. Many of these types of roses date back to ancient times. These beautiful flowers are quickly regaining popularity because they are hardy, disease resistant and very fragrant.
There are many varieties of old garden roses including:
If you are interested in growing roses but are not sure if you have a green thumb, consider adding an old garden rose to your yard.
Old roses are types of flowers that existed before modern rose breeding techniques emerged in 1867. Many of these types of roses date back to ancient times. These beautiful flowers are quickly regaining popularity because they are hardy, disease resistant and very fragrant.
There are many varieties of old garden roses including:
- The Alba Rose Flower: These are among the oldest known roses. These beautiful roses come in a variety of pinks and whites and can grow to about 9 feet tall. They have long, sweeping canes that are very dramatic. These plants will thrive in most conditions and with little attention.
- The Damask Rose: These elegant flowers are another very old rose that dates back to the ancient times. These roses are known for their beautiful fragrance and they remain a favorite for the production of perfumes and rose oils even today.
- The Gallica Rose: These are the oldest known roses. They are slightly smaller than the Albas and Damask plants and they come in a wide array of colors.
- The Centifolia Rose: These cute roses are also known as cabbage roses because they have hundreds of petals arranged in a formation that resembles the cabbage plant.
- The Moss Rose: Moss roses are known for the appearance of a mossy growth that appears on the stems and rose buds.
- The Portland Rose: One of the first known old rose species known to bloom more than once per season. These tend to be on the smaller side.
- The Bourbon Rose: These plants grow aggressively and can become quite tall. Bourbon plants produce very fragrant clusters of flowers.
- The Noisette Rose: Developed in the United States, this aggressive climbing rose can grow up to 20 feet long and is best known for its lovely yellow varietes.
If you are interested in growing roses but are not sure if you have a green thumb, consider adding an old garden rose to your yard.