The Dangers of Whiplash
Depending on the type of vehicle, the way the collision occurred, and other factors such as speed, a person may be in danger of multiple injuries.
No matter what type of accident occurred, one of the most common types of injury received is whiplash.
Whiplash is a type of injury to the neck and back that occurs when an automobile is suddenly stopped or slowed down, forcing the neck to snap back and forth.
When this happens, the neck is extended beyond its capacity and distorts the muscles in this area.
Depending on the severity of the collision, the victim may experience extreme side effects from this ailment.
Symptoms of Whiplash Because the delicate tissue around the neck is damaged from this type of injury, there are serious complications that can arise.
Some of these include:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Neck, shoulder, back, or jaw pain
- Fatigue
- Visual impairments
- Stiff neck
- Joint dysfunction- shock and injury to the spine may result in pain in the joints
- Disc herniation- injury to the discs in the spine, their alignment, and their casing
When a car accident is caused by another individual, the victim that suffered a physical injury such as whiplash may be eligible for financial compensation for their medical expenses and other accident-related costs.