Measures to Prevent Rabies in Quarantine
- Give each quarantined animal a rabies vaccination as soon as they arrive in quarantine. As long as they remain healthy for 120 days after the shot, they do not have rabies and you can allow them to go back to their owners or return to their home. Prevent rabies in quarantine by keeping each animal in a separate place. Animals should not have any contact with each other, because an animal with rabies can transmit the disease by biting another animal, by licking a sore on another animal or by mating with another animal. When each animal is in quarantine, they should not have access with other animals.
Some states, like Hawaii, or countries like Canada, have direct release programs, in which you can take measures to vaccinate your animal and test your animal before entering. In this case, your animal will only need to be quarantined for a few days as long as you have followed procedures. However, the same procedure apply. - Keep each quarantined animal in a wire cage, but do not place two animals in adjoining cages, as they can have contact with each other. Even animals who are separated by a wire cage or a cage wall can share bodily fluids and thus transmit the disease. Keep all animals who are in quarantine indoors. Do not allow them to have access to the outside, or to be in any place where outdoor animals such as foxes or raccoons might be. These animals could easily transmit rabies to an otherwise healthy animal.
- Immediately remove any animal that falls ill while in quarantine. Place these animals into a separate room, away from animals who are not sick. Do not allow them to have any access to the room in which healthy animals are kept. Take care when transporting, treating, or diagnosing sick animals, as rabies will develop into a life-threatening condition and the animal might bite, passing rabies on to people.
Quarantine Procedures
Animal Safety
Sick Animals