How to Make Your Ex Return Your Calls - 3 Things to Do
It is painful at times and very frustrating as well.
But you need to take it easy and carry on with your efforts without fearing the consequences.
Prevent yourself from developing a pessimistic attitude; that would just add fuel to fire; instead make use of these 3 things noted below and that will definitely compel your ex to return your calls.
Here we go..
A Hiatus While you are on a mission like this, you need to be cool and patient.
You might have called up your ex a thousand times without getting any responses from the other end; now chill and take a pause for sometime.
You must have actually freaked him/her by your consistent efforts of calling.
Now you need to give a pause to things for a while and wait.
As you cut off all contacts abruptly, your ex might be compelled to think not just once but any times about you and your whereabouts and that would make her bound to call you back.
Send a SMS or Leave a Message Stating an Emergency This often helps as an ex feels bound to revert back after learning that there's an emergency.
If you can successfully carry this forward, you can expect her call right away.
Curiosity and anxiety would never allow your ex's soul to rest in peace and he/she would pick up the phone and start speaking.
Instead of begging before your ex, try to talk about something different, about life, work etc.
Keep your Conversation Short When you finally get the chance to talk to her, don't go on and on.
Keep things short and snappy.
So not express your intentions of having him/her back in your life; that would drive your ex away from you.
Your speech must be convincing enough to have him/her back in your life all by him/herself.