A Great Marriage Takes Work!
Don't let anyone fool you.
A great marriage takes work.
It takes prayer, patience, understanding, and compromise.
I don't run away from challenges and neither should you.
After all anything worth having is worth fighting for and I tell you right now that although it will take some work a great marriage is certainly worth fighting for.
My husband and I both have very strong personalities.
Both of us want to be right and neither of us mind voicing our opinions quite passionately.
It's interesting that of all of the differences that he and I share that we have this trait or quality in common.
I thank God that we are both Christians and that we value godly principles.
If we had not implemented what the Bible says about marriage we probably would not be married today.
It takes more than love to make it work.
Even when we were considering divorce we still loved each other.
It was just other areas like ministry, money, and other disagreements that threatened our union.
Love wasn't enough...
Fortunately we decided to pull up our bootstraps and get to work on what meant so much to both us.
We wanted our marriage to work and we wanted it to be great! So we established some rules pertaining to communication, money, our in-laws etc.
We started having planned "meetings" to talk about our marriage and we started praying together more often.
I believe this was a key factor.
The changes didn't happen overnight but then again our problems didn't happen overnight either.
Because of this we had to be patient and allow our new resolve to take effect.
We both decided to truly work at making our marriage great.
Of course the easier route would have been to separate, or just call it quits totally but I'm glad we chose a different route and hung in there.
Yes I said "hung" in there because initially that is exactly what it was.
We "hung" in there until change manifested.
If you aren't careful when you are rebuilding a marriage you can get discouraged if the results you desire don't manifest quickly.
I encourage you to hang in there until the feelings return and trust me they can and your marriage will be better than it ever was.
As I said earlier a great marriage does take work but it is worth it! Having a righteous resolve and the fortitude to stick and stay will reap great reward if you are willing to put the time, patience, compromise and work that it will require.
A great marriage takes work.
It takes prayer, patience, understanding, and compromise.
I don't run away from challenges and neither should you.
After all anything worth having is worth fighting for and I tell you right now that although it will take some work a great marriage is certainly worth fighting for.
My husband and I both have very strong personalities.
Both of us want to be right and neither of us mind voicing our opinions quite passionately.
It's interesting that of all of the differences that he and I share that we have this trait or quality in common.
I thank God that we are both Christians and that we value godly principles.
If we had not implemented what the Bible says about marriage we probably would not be married today.
It takes more than love to make it work.
Even when we were considering divorce we still loved each other.
It was just other areas like ministry, money, and other disagreements that threatened our union.
Love wasn't enough...
Fortunately we decided to pull up our bootstraps and get to work on what meant so much to both us.
We wanted our marriage to work and we wanted it to be great! So we established some rules pertaining to communication, money, our in-laws etc.
We started having planned "meetings" to talk about our marriage and we started praying together more often.
I believe this was a key factor.
The changes didn't happen overnight but then again our problems didn't happen overnight either.
Because of this we had to be patient and allow our new resolve to take effect.
We both decided to truly work at making our marriage great.
Of course the easier route would have been to separate, or just call it quits totally but I'm glad we chose a different route and hung in there.
Yes I said "hung" in there because initially that is exactly what it was.
We "hung" in there until change manifested.
If you aren't careful when you are rebuilding a marriage you can get discouraged if the results you desire don't manifest quickly.
I encourage you to hang in there until the feelings return and trust me they can and your marriage will be better than it ever was.
As I said earlier a great marriage does take work but it is worth it! Having a righteous resolve and the fortitude to stick and stay will reap great reward if you are willing to put the time, patience, compromise and work that it will require.