Drupal Webform Tricks
- Using the Drupal Webform module can help you to gather feedback from your customers or website visitors. Use the module as a way for visitors to inform you about technical issues associated with your website. For example, if customers are unable to display a certain image or video, they can click a link associated with the picture or video and be taken to a form generated by Webform. Your visitors then can provide you with feedback in reference to the technical problem. You can access the information to gain insight into such problems.
- Drupal Webform also can be used to assess your visitors' preference on a given topic. Whether you have added a new feature to the website or are planning to implement something that can change the way they interact with the website, ask for their opinion by creating a poll using Webform. After deciding on your survey questions, add options that approve, disapprove or remain neutral towards your website's new features. Webform gathers and organizes the results in a file that you can access later. Using Webform in this manner will allow you to assess the wants and needs of your Web audience.
- The Webform module also is a great way to get people involved in a cause or movement by creating a petition that visitors can use to express their opinion. Create a simple petition that does not require a log-in or password and quickly allows users to enter their name and whether they support the petition.
- People rarely make a purchase their first time visiting a website. Therefore, collect the contact information of your visitors to market to them continuously. Use Drupal Webform to collect the names and email addresses of your website visitors and build a database of potential customers. This will allow you to market your products and services to your database contacts at a later point in time through email.
Customer and Visitor Feedback
Preference Polls with Multiple Choices
Online Petitions
List Building