Narcissists in Relationships - 7 Signs Your Partner Could Be a Narcissist
Unfortunately, there is a segment of the population that is hard wired differently from the rest of us, and this makes interpersonal relationships with them very difficult.
Often, a partner of someone who has a personality disorder like narcissism is left hurt, bewildered, and confused by the callous and destructive actions of his or her partner.
While only a licensed mental health professional can diagnose a personality disorder like narcissism, it is valuable to be aware of the general signs of the disorder.
Here are 7 signs your partner could be a narcissist: 1.
Lack of empathy.
Your partner may be unable to see things through the eyes of others, or experience relating to their emotional point of view.
As a result, your partner may act in ways that are callous and self absorbed.
A sense of entitlement.
Your partner may assume that he or she ought to receive preferential treatment as a matter of course.
He or she may also adopt a haughty or superior attitude toward others, and expect to associate with special people or institutions.
An extreme need for admiration.
Your partner may crave this, almost like a drug addict craves a drug.
Your partner may go to lengths to ensure this "narcissistic supply.
" 4.
A willingness to exploit others.
Your partner may have no issue with stomping on others to achieve his or her ends.
Grandiose self worth.
Your partner may exaggerate his or her accomplishments, and expect others to recognize his or her greatness.
Jealousy at the accomplishments of others.
The narcissist may actually become quite angry at the success of others, as it attracts attention away from the narcissist's accomplishments.
Idealized thinking, fantasies about ideal power, love, or beauty.