Fix a Registry Problem - Fix the Registry Fast Before Windows Will Not Start Anymore!
Corrupted registry files makes windows slower and causes windows errors.
Taking steps to fixing your registry will make your computer faster and fixing these problems will protect your computer and speed it up to how it was when you first got it.
Below are listed of the things that you need to do.
Delete or remove any old and unused programs on your system.
Deleting the shortcuts from the desktop will not delete the whole software, it will just delete the icon on your desktop but the program is still installed on the system because it's not properly deleted from the computer.
Too many programs will slow down your computer down by using too much memory, even when they are not running.
Make sure you have an updated anti virus and the firewall settings must be enabled.
It's highly recommended not to turn off your firewall and your anti virus.
Spyware, malware and viruses can enter your system if these are disabled.
Spyware and malware not only slow down your computer but can corrupt windows as well.
Run a free registry scan on your computer and diagnose and Clean your registry files.
The more corrupted files there are on your registry the slower it becomes.
Run a free registry scan on your computer and delete those invalid entries for the programs that are not present anymore.
By scanning your registry and fixing these errors you will prevent your PC from crashing and startup failures.