How to Make a Frog Costume for a Toddler
- 1). Purchase a pair of green footed pajamas for the base of your toddler's frog costume. Starting with a pair of pajamas will ensure that the costume is comfortable and easy to wear.
- 2). Cut pieces of felt to look like two webbed frog feet. These can be cut from any shade of felt to match or add contrast to the costume. Cut the frog feet small enough that the toes do not extend more than one to two inches past the feet of the footed pajamas. Long frog toes could cause the toddler to trip while walking in the costume.
- 3). Sew one frog foot to the bottom of each foot on the pajamas. This will give your toddler the appearance of having webbed frog feet.
- 4). Hot glue large, googly eyes to the front of a green baseball cap or visor. The eyes need to be situated on the cap of the hat just above the bill and set far apart to give them the appearance of frog eyes on the top of the toddler's head.
- 5). Cut a long tongue shape from a piece of pink craft foam and hot glue it to the underside of the baseball cap's bill. This forms the tongue of your frog costume.