Chamonix all-natural antioxidant anti-wrinkle skin care
Announcer: Fact: For years, toxins have been getting trapped in your skin from all the cosmetics, creams and chemicals that you use every day, making your skin age faster.
The crow's-feet, my laugh lines, especially, you know, right in here, were almost all gone right here immediately. It was great. It was great.
I have very deep eye... You know, eye wrinkles, also above my lips, and these are the areas that I saw very, very softened, and to me that's just so important because all I see are these wrinkles when I look, and if I can look and not see wrinkles, it's really a nice feeling. Makes you feel good.
You can put it on right away, just as you're going out the door... By the time you're downstairs in the elevator, your wrinkles, the laugh lines on your eyes, are gone.
The dark circles had diminished, the lines had gone away, and... It was just... It was remarkable.
Hello and welcome to breakthroughs in anti-aging. I'm your host, Elizabeth Watts, and today we'll reveal the answer to the age-old question: Can we stop the clock on aging? Do wrinkle creams really work? Is it possible for wrinkle creams to even reverse wrinkles? Our investigation today goes beyond the beautiful commercials and attractive packaging, because more and more, scientists are warning that the problem could lie in the common wrinkle treatments on every store shelf. Now, to help us understand this problem, I've invited Dr. Janet Maccaro to the broadcast. Dr. Maccaro, you've been studying alternative health, especially in the area of women, for more than 30 years.
That's right.
And you've published several books on health.
I have. Your skin is the main barrier between your body and the outside world. All the pollutants from the environment, the sun, the free radicals, chemicals from the polluted air, even from your food, ultimately concentrate in your skin...
I can see that.
Yup, and as we age, our skin loses its ability to constantly detoxify, and then your skin is depleted of essential minerals and enzymes that are vital in rebuilding your skin's collagen, elastin and, of course, the skin's immune system, so any wrinkle cream you use without restoring these minerals, vitamins and enzymes is never gonna be optimal.
Could our wrinkle creams be temporarily hiding the fine lines while creating a much worse skin problem with long-term use?
You know, the simple answer is yes. The outer layer of your skin is made up of about 15 layers of flat, dead cells, which can easily be penetrated by mineral oil and other petroleum by-products, so these inorganic ingredients are often used in skin products to help carry the active ingredients into the deeper layers.
The problem is, Elizabeth, is that they don't get absorbed by the body, so they build up in your skin layers and become like toxic waste. You know, i've been researching natural health alternatives for over three decades now, and that's why I'm always shocked to find out how many products still use chemicals and toxins despite the fact that research has shown that they're harmful to our health.
That's hard to believe.
There's no need to use them. You know, the chemicals and toxins that are in most of the products we buy in the store could be, in my opinion, you know, the primary reason why we're all looking and feeling older way before our time.
Whether you walk into a high-end department store or a drugstore, you have no idea what you're putting on your skin, Elizabeth, or inside your body through your skin, and I don't blame you, because you're not a chemist.
Yeah, there's a long list of ingredients there.
You're right. You know, there are dozens of ingredients listed on the box, and you have no idea what they mean or what damage they can cause.
That's true.
You know, there's a lot of research on so many chemicals in skincare products, but I'm gonna focus on two ingredients today that are almost universally used in the skincare industry. Mineral oil is number one and pharmaceutical preservatives known as Parabens.
So, first, let's take mineral oil. Mineral oil is a product of oil refineries. It's like the same oil you put in your car engine...
If you can believe it. Mineral oil causes irritation to the skin. Symptoms include redness, itching and pain, may cause allergic reactions, and it goes on to say that chronic exposure may cause dermatitis.
And you're saying mineral oil is an active ingredient in skincare in this country?
Elizabeth, nine out of every 10 skincare items women buy in America contain mineral oil, paraffin or petrolatum, and all of these are different names for mineral oil. So think about this: Women can use up to 20 different products as part of their daily routine on a weekly basis.
I do!
So if you count skincare and makeup, you know, women especially are putting these chemicals on their face daily. The problem is, you know, we've been doing it for years, and now they've accumulated, and now they're causing all kinds of problems internally and externally.
So, in the long run, we're causing our skin to age quicker in exchange for some pretty mediocre short-term results.
That's exactly it.
And you say the case is worse for Parabens?
Parabens are pharmaceutical preservatives that are widely used as antibacterials, and because Parabens are the standard of the industry, chances are even the most expensive skincare you buy contains Parabens. The national institutes of health website is listing dozens of clinical studies about Parabens' side effects as far as inflammation of the skin, dermatitis, allergic reactions and hypersensitivity.
My sensitive skin...
And breakouts could really be caused by my skincare products?
They absolutely could, Elizabeth, but the Paraben problems don't end there. Earlier studies in the university of reading, England, proved that Parabens are absorbed from the skin into the body and have a weak estrogenic effect inside the body.
Yeah, so these British scientists also found that Parabens are found intact in different body tissues, especially breast tissue, which raised all kinds of alarms in the health-conscious communities.
Who wants chemicals that work like hormones in their body?
That's right-- health experts have starting warning about possible risks.
It's really about how much risk a woman wants to take with her health. You don't need to risk your health to try to achieve a younger appearance when there are safer alternatives. So, you need an anti-aging skincare system that not only is free of mineral oil and Parabens...
But that can also rebuild collagen to reduce wrinkles and reverse what I call toxic skin syndrome. You also need to reverse damage to the skin, you need to improve collagen production and protect against free radical damage every day.
Well, today we're talking about Chamonix anti-aging skincare, dr. Maccaro's top pick for a skincare line that does not use mineral oil or Parabens in their anti-aging products and that is very effective in both detoxifying and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Yes. Now, when you're talking about reversing the damage that toxic skin has caused, then you have to start with two of the products: The Chamonix detoxifying mask and the Chamonix esotique collagen builder. Now, these two products together will dramatically change the look and feel of your skin almost overnight without any toxins, chemicals or preservatives.
That sounds good.
It's fantastic. Esotique is what you can call the perfect all-natural anti-wrinkle treatment. It contains clinical concentrations of Matrixyl to increase collagen production, hyaluronic acid, grape seed extract, vitamin e and so much more, and it works on fine lines and wrinkles like nothing I've ever used.
So one product detoxifies the skin...
And the other one holds the moisture in and works to rebuild collagen day after day and it's been clinically proven with these ingredients?
You've got it, and it leaves your skin clean and healthy and younger-looking without any irritation. This is definitely the best anti-aging treatment I've ever come across, and this is the most effective I've ever used, hands down.
The crow's-feet, my laugh lines, especially, you know, right in here, were almost all gone right here immediately. It was great. It was great.
I have very deep eye... You know, eye wrinkles, also above my lips, and these are the areas that I saw very, very softened, and to me, that's just so important because all I see are these wrinkles when I look, and if I can look and not see wrinkles, it's really a nice feeling. Makes you feel good.
You can put it on right away, just as you're going out the door. By the time you're downstairs in the elevator, your wrinkles, the laugh lines on your eyes, are gone.
The dark circles had diminished, the lines had gone away, and... It was just... It was remarkable.
Announcer: Are you tired of searching for skincare products to fight wrinkles on your face, only to be disappointed every time? Well, your search stops here. Introducing Chamonix, the one-and-only complete all-natural skincare system that works. First, the Chamonix detoxifying mask pulls toxins out, tightens pores and prepares your skin to hold more moisture and build more collagen. Then the Chamonix collagen builder helps boost your collagen level by up to 300%, leaving your skin cleaner, smoother and virtually wrinkle-free. Chamonix's all-natural ingredients include Matrixyl-- a peptide clinically proven to diminish wrinkles-- grape seed extract, hyaluronic acid, vitamin e and calendula, making it a celebrity favorite and the most effective all-natural wrinkle treatment on the market today.
This worked. It really worked.
It works. Believe me, it works.
It's just unbelievable, amazing... I love it.
It works right away.
I've never seen anything like it.
Announcer: Esotique is so effective, you'll feel the difference from the very first use, and your results are achieved naturally, not with painful surgery, needles or skin-damaging products such as mineral oil, petroleum by-products or pharmaceutical preservatives. Whether you're at home, with friends or at work, people see your skin every day. Don't you want to look your best? Well, now you can with Chamonix. Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call in the next 20 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special tv trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
I was really skeptical because nothing had ever worked before, but Jeunesse literally took years off my face in five minutes.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special tv offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
Welcome back to breakthroughs in anti-aging. I'm your host, Elizabeth Watts, and we're here with dr. Janet Maccaro, talking about the best way to stop the clock. But Dr. Maccaro, before we continue, let me bring in Babita Hariani. Babita's an investigative reporter. She lives in the new york area, and for over a decade, she worked in a prestigious national news outlet. Hello, Babita. Thank you for being with us today.
My pleasure.
Babita, you were telling me before the show that your latest investigation was shocking to you, and it made you an advocate for all-natural skincare. Why don't you share your story with our audience?
You know, Chamonix built their company on antioxidants and clinically proven skincare free of mineral oil, Parabens, suspect chemicals. I mean, I've always used skincare with the best ingredients, so instead of using Chamonix, I called and asked to speak to the owner, who is a compounding pharmacist, by the way, and then went down to meet with him. He showed me the dangers of mineral oil and Parabens and what they can do to my skin. We're talking about inflammation, breakouts, dermatitis, hypersensitivity, and even more serious health concerns. The amazing thing is all of this information is at every woman's fingertips, right on the internet-- all of those clinical studies, the warnings, all the expert opinions-- but because the media never talks about it, we the public would just never know.
I bet it was shocking for you to discover this.
Well, a part of me still refused to believe how widely used these toxins are in skincare, so I went out to the drugstore and I read the ingredients of the lower-price brands of wrinkle creams. Every single one I saw had both mineral oil and Parabens. Then I drove to the department store, thinking that the more expensive brands would be better. I examined the labels on the more expensive brands of wrinkle creams, and again, all of them contained mineral oil and generally more than one Paraben-- usually a combination of methylparaben, propylparaben, a butylparaben, and dozens of other chemical names, some of which I can't even pronounce.
Babita, I'm looking at this complexion analysis report that you had done at your doctor's office, and in just two months' time, the crow's-feet that I saw on the first report and the brown spot that I saw, they're completely gone. I mean, it's just amazing. In just two months' time. What an improvement. I'm really impressed.
Elizabeth: It's incredible.
Thank you, and you're right. It's different. When you have it there on paper showing you that it went away... What more can I say? This is the evidence. It's being presented to you. It's not me telling you. It's the dermatologist that took a physical scan of my skin, and it improved with Chamonix.
Babita, I was telling Elizabeth that esotique and the detoxifying mask are the best skincare I've ever used. Is that your experience too?
This is far and away the best skincare I've ever put on my skin. Esotique is just amazing. You feel that difference from the very first application-- the tightening, the moisturizing effect. It is so pure that it absorbs into your skin in seconds. None of that oily feeling. You just wouldn't know it until you try it for yourself.
Well, thank you so much for sharing the results of your investigation, Babita.
Thank you so much for having me.
Now let me play a few more clips from real Chamonix users. Look at this.
It felt like it went on really smoothly, and it did-- I did feel a tingling, and it felt really firm.
The crow's-feet, my laugh lines, especially, you know, right in here, were almost all gone right here immediately. It was great. It was great.
I have very deep eye... You know, eye wrinkles, also above my lips, and these are the areas that I saw very, very softened, and to me that's just so important because all I see are these wrinkles when I look, and if I can look and not see wrinkles, it's really a nice feeling. Makes you feel good.
The dark circles had diminished, the lines had gone away, and I was just-- it was remarkable.
Announcer: Are you tired of searching for skincare products to fight wrinkles on your face, only to be disappointed every time? Well, your search stops here. Introducing Chamonix, the one-and-only complete all-natural skincare system that works. First, the Chamonix detoxifying mask pulls toxins out, tightens pores and prepares your skin to hold more moisture and build more collagen. Then the Chamonix collagen builder helps boost your collagen level by up to 300%, leaving your skin cleaner, smoother and virtually wrinkle-free. Chamonix's all-natural ingredients include Matrixyl-- a peptide clinically proven to diminish wrinkles-- grape seed extract, hyaluronic acid, vitamin e and calendula, making it a celebrity favorite and the most effective all-natural wrinkle treatment on the market today.
This worked. It really worked.
It works. Believe me, it works.
It's just unbelievable, amazing... I love it.
It works right away.
I've never seen anything like it.
Announcer: Esotique is so effective, you'll feel the difference from the very first use, and your results are achieved naturally, not with painful surgery, needles or skin-damaging products such as mineral oil, petroleum by-products or pharmaceutical preservatives. Whether you're at home, with friends or at work, people see your skin every day. Don't you want to look your best? Well, now you can with Chamonix. Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call in the next 10 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special TV trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
I was really skeptical because nothing had ever worked before, but Jeunesse literally took years off my face in five minutes.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute Jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special TV offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
As you've been hearing on the show, even people with the most sensitive skin find it works. Joining me here in the studio is George Faltaous, the pharmacist who developed Chamonix. Welcome, George.
Thank you for having me.
Now, you're a pharmacist and a nutritionist. How in the world did you get into skincare?
I was filling prescriptions in my pharmacy in Colonia, new jersey, when a customer of mine walked in, and she was browsing around the store, and I asked her if she needs any help with something, and she says she was looking for wrinkle cream with grape seed extract, and I said, you know, "they don't make grape seed extract cream." back then, there was no such thing. I said-- she got a little disappointed. She says, you know, "I read it would be great for my wrinkles." and I said to her, "you know, I can make it for you. I'll make you one." she said, "really?" I said, "sure." so she came back the next day. I went into my compounding department, and I made a grape seed extract cream for her-- pure, natural, with only calendula flower extract as the base with some grape seed extract in it, based on my compounding experience and being a nutritionist. She took it. I didn't really make anything of it. Three days later, her friend came in and asked for the same cream that Phyllis had.
Um, it was amazing, and again, you know, I made it for her, I gave it to her. A couple days later, her cousin came in-- Phyllis' cousin-- and then...
Yeah, these ladies, I mean, they started spreading the word around. You know, the rest is history, like they say. You know, we have hundreds of thousands of customers now that use the products.
One of the big reasons why our products work so well is because the base is so clean. It's a flower extract that's native to the far east that's been used as a healing agent for thousands of years.
It's called calendula. It's a beautiful flower extract, and we fortify it with hyaluronic acid, which is a collagen builder.
And that's the base of Chamonix skincare, and there's none of the, you know, mineral oil or petroleum by-products or the pharmaceutical bases that, you know, basically what I call plastic base.
And these things that, you know, that will give you shine on your skin but clog your pores. It's like a sheet of plastic that covers your skin. Feels great, keeps the moisture in, but the price you're paying for that is your skin is not breathing, and I think that's one of the, if not the most important factor of why Chamonix skincare has the highest loyalty of any skincare line on the market.
Women want to build the collagen to plump the skin, right?
And that helps produce... So tell me about that, and how does Chamonix take care of that?
So the collagen production ingredient that we use in our... In esotique is matrixyl, which is a natural peptide, five amino acids, that is clinically proven to improve collagen production in your own skin up to 327%, as far as the clinical study's concerned.
Now, George, I did actually look up matrixyl on the environmental working group's database...
And it got a zero on the toxicity level, so to me that's amazing.
That's the key point with Chamonix skincare. Everything we formulate, we formulate on this basis. It has to be very clean, but it also has to work.
Well, thanks again, George.
Oh, it's a pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Thanks, good to have you here.
Something that's natural like esotique makes you glow from the inside out.
I love the Chamonix line because it works.
Announcer: Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time, new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call 800-349-5786 in the next 10 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special TV trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
When I looked in the mirror there was a visible change within, within five to 10 minutes and it was, it just made my makeup look so much better and it was simple.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute Jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special TV offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
Is there a way to get incredible younger skin and take years off your appearance without such harsh measures as Botox and plastic surgery and without using chemicals and toxins? With Chamonix, you can.
That's why I love the Chamonix detoxifying mask. Because it preps your skin to absorb the clinically proven ingredients in Chamonix that boost collagen production three times and reverses fine lines and wrinkles with clinically proven results.
Dr. Maccaro, what is it that's in esotique that's giving these great results?
Elizabeth, the main ingredient in esotique is a peptide called matrixyl, and it's clinically proven to diminish wrinkles by tripling your collagen production.
Yeah, and this is important because it's a lot more important, in my opinion, to improve the structure of your skin, the condition of your skin, and moisture content of your skin and triple the collagen production than an instant effect you may get from a regular skin cream.
Esotique gives you the short-term and the long-term results of antioxidant collagen builder nutrients. I talked to some of their customers who used both the detoxifying mask and esotique, and their results confirmed my impressions. This is definitely the best anti-aging treatment I've ever come across, and I've tried many. I'm over 50 now, and this is the most effective I've ever used, hands down, and it leaves your skin clean and healthy and younger looking without any irritation. What else can I say?
Well, not much, 'cause we're officially out of time. Thank you so much for making us aware of this problem and bringing us the solution, and I hope to have you back again really soon.
Thank you so much for having me.
Sure. Ladies, we've been using skincare products for years that have mineral oil, Parabens, and other chemicals in them. We've been struggling with skin irritations like dry, flaky, dehydrated skin, breakouts, and even more serious conditions like eczema and dermatitis. There is a connection. Our skin just can't handle all the environmental toxins, chemicals in our food, and then the dangerous mineral oil and Parabens, but it doesn't have to be that way anymore. You have the power to finally stop that clock. The answer is Chamonix. Thank you so much for watching, everyone.
Something that's natural like esotique makes you glow from the inside out.
I love the Chamonix line because it works.
Announcer: Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time, new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call 800-349-5786 in the next 10 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special TV trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
When I looked in the mirror there was a visible change within, within five to 10 minutes and it was, it just made my makeup look so much better and it was simple.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute Jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special TV offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
The crow's-feet, my laugh lines, especially, you know, right in here, were almost all gone right here immediately. It was great. It was great.
I have very deep eye... You know, eye wrinkles, also above my lips, and these are the areas that I saw very, very softened, and to me that's just so important because all I see are these wrinkles when I look, and if I can look and not see wrinkles, it's really a nice feeling. Makes you feel good.
You can put it on right away, just as you're going out the door... By the time you're downstairs in the elevator, your wrinkles, the laugh lines on your eyes, are gone.
The dark circles had diminished, the lines had gone away, and... It was just... It was remarkable.
Hello and welcome to breakthroughs in anti-aging. I'm your host, Elizabeth Watts, and today we'll reveal the answer to the age-old question: Can we stop the clock on aging? Do wrinkle creams really work? Is it possible for wrinkle creams to even reverse wrinkles? Our investigation today goes beyond the beautiful commercials and attractive packaging, because more and more, scientists are warning that the problem could lie in the common wrinkle treatments on every store shelf. Now, to help us understand this problem, I've invited Dr. Janet Maccaro to the broadcast. Dr. Maccaro, you've been studying alternative health, especially in the area of women, for more than 30 years.
That's right.
And you've published several books on health.
I have. Your skin is the main barrier between your body and the outside world. All the pollutants from the environment, the sun, the free radicals, chemicals from the polluted air, even from your food, ultimately concentrate in your skin...
I can see that.
Yup, and as we age, our skin loses its ability to constantly detoxify, and then your skin is depleted of essential minerals and enzymes that are vital in rebuilding your skin's collagen, elastin and, of course, the skin's immune system, so any wrinkle cream you use without restoring these minerals, vitamins and enzymes is never gonna be optimal.
Could our wrinkle creams be temporarily hiding the fine lines while creating a much worse skin problem with long-term use?
You know, the simple answer is yes. The outer layer of your skin is made up of about 15 layers of flat, dead cells, which can easily be penetrated by mineral oil and other petroleum by-products, so these inorganic ingredients are often used in skin products to help carry the active ingredients into the deeper layers.
The problem is, Elizabeth, is that they don't get absorbed by the body, so they build up in your skin layers and become like toxic waste. You know, i've been researching natural health alternatives for over three decades now, and that's why I'm always shocked to find out how many products still use chemicals and toxins despite the fact that research has shown that they're harmful to our health.
That's hard to believe.
There's no need to use them. You know, the chemicals and toxins that are in most of the products we buy in the store could be, in my opinion, you know, the primary reason why we're all looking and feeling older way before our time.
Whether you walk into a high-end department store or a drugstore, you have no idea what you're putting on your skin, Elizabeth, or inside your body through your skin, and I don't blame you, because you're not a chemist.
Yeah, there's a long list of ingredients there.
You're right. You know, there are dozens of ingredients listed on the box, and you have no idea what they mean or what damage they can cause.
That's true.
You know, there's a lot of research on so many chemicals in skincare products, but I'm gonna focus on two ingredients today that are almost universally used in the skincare industry. Mineral oil is number one and pharmaceutical preservatives known as Parabens.
So, first, let's take mineral oil. Mineral oil is a product of oil refineries. It's like the same oil you put in your car engine...
If you can believe it. Mineral oil causes irritation to the skin. Symptoms include redness, itching and pain, may cause allergic reactions, and it goes on to say that chronic exposure may cause dermatitis.
And you're saying mineral oil is an active ingredient in skincare in this country?
Elizabeth, nine out of every 10 skincare items women buy in America contain mineral oil, paraffin or petrolatum, and all of these are different names for mineral oil. So think about this: Women can use up to 20 different products as part of their daily routine on a weekly basis.
I do!
So if you count skincare and makeup, you know, women especially are putting these chemicals on their face daily. The problem is, you know, we've been doing it for years, and now they've accumulated, and now they're causing all kinds of problems internally and externally.
So, in the long run, we're causing our skin to age quicker in exchange for some pretty mediocre short-term results.
That's exactly it.
And you say the case is worse for Parabens?
Parabens are pharmaceutical preservatives that are widely used as antibacterials, and because Parabens are the standard of the industry, chances are even the most expensive skincare you buy contains Parabens. The national institutes of health website is listing dozens of clinical studies about Parabens' side effects as far as inflammation of the skin, dermatitis, allergic reactions and hypersensitivity.
My sensitive skin...
And breakouts could really be caused by my skincare products?
They absolutely could, Elizabeth, but the Paraben problems don't end there. Earlier studies in the university of reading, England, proved that Parabens are absorbed from the skin into the body and have a weak estrogenic effect inside the body.
Yeah, so these British scientists also found that Parabens are found intact in different body tissues, especially breast tissue, which raised all kinds of alarms in the health-conscious communities.
Who wants chemicals that work like hormones in their body?
That's right-- health experts have starting warning about possible risks.
It's really about how much risk a woman wants to take with her health. You don't need to risk your health to try to achieve a younger appearance when there are safer alternatives. So, you need an anti-aging skincare system that not only is free of mineral oil and Parabens...
But that can also rebuild collagen to reduce wrinkles and reverse what I call toxic skin syndrome. You also need to reverse damage to the skin, you need to improve collagen production and protect against free radical damage every day.
Well, today we're talking about Chamonix anti-aging skincare, dr. Maccaro's top pick for a skincare line that does not use mineral oil or Parabens in their anti-aging products and that is very effective in both detoxifying and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Yes. Now, when you're talking about reversing the damage that toxic skin has caused, then you have to start with two of the products: The Chamonix detoxifying mask and the Chamonix esotique collagen builder. Now, these two products together will dramatically change the look and feel of your skin almost overnight without any toxins, chemicals or preservatives.
That sounds good.
It's fantastic. Esotique is what you can call the perfect all-natural anti-wrinkle treatment. It contains clinical concentrations of Matrixyl to increase collagen production, hyaluronic acid, grape seed extract, vitamin e and so much more, and it works on fine lines and wrinkles like nothing I've ever used.
So one product detoxifies the skin...
And the other one holds the moisture in and works to rebuild collagen day after day and it's been clinically proven with these ingredients?
You've got it, and it leaves your skin clean and healthy and younger-looking without any irritation. This is definitely the best anti-aging treatment I've ever come across, and this is the most effective I've ever used, hands down.
The crow's-feet, my laugh lines, especially, you know, right in here, were almost all gone right here immediately. It was great. It was great.
I have very deep eye... You know, eye wrinkles, also above my lips, and these are the areas that I saw very, very softened, and to me, that's just so important because all I see are these wrinkles when I look, and if I can look and not see wrinkles, it's really a nice feeling. Makes you feel good.
You can put it on right away, just as you're going out the door. By the time you're downstairs in the elevator, your wrinkles, the laugh lines on your eyes, are gone.
The dark circles had diminished, the lines had gone away, and... It was just... It was remarkable.
Announcer: Are you tired of searching for skincare products to fight wrinkles on your face, only to be disappointed every time? Well, your search stops here. Introducing Chamonix, the one-and-only complete all-natural skincare system that works. First, the Chamonix detoxifying mask pulls toxins out, tightens pores and prepares your skin to hold more moisture and build more collagen. Then the Chamonix collagen builder helps boost your collagen level by up to 300%, leaving your skin cleaner, smoother and virtually wrinkle-free. Chamonix's all-natural ingredients include Matrixyl-- a peptide clinically proven to diminish wrinkles-- grape seed extract, hyaluronic acid, vitamin e and calendula, making it a celebrity favorite and the most effective all-natural wrinkle treatment on the market today.
This worked. It really worked.
It works. Believe me, it works.
It's just unbelievable, amazing... I love it.
It works right away.
I've never seen anything like it.
Announcer: Esotique is so effective, you'll feel the difference from the very first use, and your results are achieved naturally, not with painful surgery, needles or skin-damaging products such as mineral oil, petroleum by-products or pharmaceutical preservatives. Whether you're at home, with friends or at work, people see your skin every day. Don't you want to look your best? Well, now you can with Chamonix. Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call in the next 20 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special tv trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
I was really skeptical because nothing had ever worked before, but Jeunesse literally took years off my face in five minutes.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special tv offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
Welcome back to breakthroughs in anti-aging. I'm your host, Elizabeth Watts, and we're here with dr. Janet Maccaro, talking about the best way to stop the clock. But Dr. Maccaro, before we continue, let me bring in Babita Hariani. Babita's an investigative reporter. She lives in the new york area, and for over a decade, she worked in a prestigious national news outlet. Hello, Babita. Thank you for being with us today.
My pleasure.
Babita, you were telling me before the show that your latest investigation was shocking to you, and it made you an advocate for all-natural skincare. Why don't you share your story with our audience?
You know, Chamonix built their company on antioxidants and clinically proven skincare free of mineral oil, Parabens, suspect chemicals. I mean, I've always used skincare with the best ingredients, so instead of using Chamonix, I called and asked to speak to the owner, who is a compounding pharmacist, by the way, and then went down to meet with him. He showed me the dangers of mineral oil and Parabens and what they can do to my skin. We're talking about inflammation, breakouts, dermatitis, hypersensitivity, and even more serious health concerns. The amazing thing is all of this information is at every woman's fingertips, right on the internet-- all of those clinical studies, the warnings, all the expert opinions-- but because the media never talks about it, we the public would just never know.
I bet it was shocking for you to discover this.
Well, a part of me still refused to believe how widely used these toxins are in skincare, so I went out to the drugstore and I read the ingredients of the lower-price brands of wrinkle creams. Every single one I saw had both mineral oil and Parabens. Then I drove to the department store, thinking that the more expensive brands would be better. I examined the labels on the more expensive brands of wrinkle creams, and again, all of them contained mineral oil and generally more than one Paraben-- usually a combination of methylparaben, propylparaben, a butylparaben, and dozens of other chemical names, some of which I can't even pronounce.
Babita, I'm looking at this complexion analysis report that you had done at your doctor's office, and in just two months' time, the crow's-feet that I saw on the first report and the brown spot that I saw, they're completely gone. I mean, it's just amazing. In just two months' time. What an improvement. I'm really impressed.
Elizabeth: It's incredible.
Thank you, and you're right. It's different. When you have it there on paper showing you that it went away... What more can I say? This is the evidence. It's being presented to you. It's not me telling you. It's the dermatologist that took a physical scan of my skin, and it improved with Chamonix.
Babita, I was telling Elizabeth that esotique and the detoxifying mask are the best skincare I've ever used. Is that your experience too?
This is far and away the best skincare I've ever put on my skin. Esotique is just amazing. You feel that difference from the very first application-- the tightening, the moisturizing effect. It is so pure that it absorbs into your skin in seconds. None of that oily feeling. You just wouldn't know it until you try it for yourself.
Well, thank you so much for sharing the results of your investigation, Babita.
Thank you so much for having me.
Now let me play a few more clips from real Chamonix users. Look at this.
It felt like it went on really smoothly, and it did-- I did feel a tingling, and it felt really firm.
The crow's-feet, my laugh lines, especially, you know, right in here, were almost all gone right here immediately. It was great. It was great.
I have very deep eye... You know, eye wrinkles, also above my lips, and these are the areas that I saw very, very softened, and to me that's just so important because all I see are these wrinkles when I look, and if I can look and not see wrinkles, it's really a nice feeling. Makes you feel good.
The dark circles had diminished, the lines had gone away, and I was just-- it was remarkable.
Announcer: Are you tired of searching for skincare products to fight wrinkles on your face, only to be disappointed every time? Well, your search stops here. Introducing Chamonix, the one-and-only complete all-natural skincare system that works. First, the Chamonix detoxifying mask pulls toxins out, tightens pores and prepares your skin to hold more moisture and build more collagen. Then the Chamonix collagen builder helps boost your collagen level by up to 300%, leaving your skin cleaner, smoother and virtually wrinkle-free. Chamonix's all-natural ingredients include Matrixyl-- a peptide clinically proven to diminish wrinkles-- grape seed extract, hyaluronic acid, vitamin e and calendula, making it a celebrity favorite and the most effective all-natural wrinkle treatment on the market today.
This worked. It really worked.
It works. Believe me, it works.
It's just unbelievable, amazing... I love it.
It works right away.
I've never seen anything like it.
Announcer: Esotique is so effective, you'll feel the difference from the very first use, and your results are achieved naturally, not with painful surgery, needles or skin-damaging products such as mineral oil, petroleum by-products or pharmaceutical preservatives. Whether you're at home, with friends or at work, people see your skin every day. Don't you want to look your best? Well, now you can with Chamonix. Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call in the next 10 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special TV trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
I was really skeptical because nothing had ever worked before, but Jeunesse literally took years off my face in five minutes.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute Jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special TV offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
As you've been hearing on the show, even people with the most sensitive skin find it works. Joining me here in the studio is George Faltaous, the pharmacist who developed Chamonix. Welcome, George.
Thank you for having me.
Now, you're a pharmacist and a nutritionist. How in the world did you get into skincare?
I was filling prescriptions in my pharmacy in Colonia, new jersey, when a customer of mine walked in, and she was browsing around the store, and I asked her if she needs any help with something, and she says she was looking for wrinkle cream with grape seed extract, and I said, you know, "they don't make grape seed extract cream." back then, there was no such thing. I said-- she got a little disappointed. She says, you know, "I read it would be great for my wrinkles." and I said to her, "you know, I can make it for you. I'll make you one." she said, "really?" I said, "sure." so she came back the next day. I went into my compounding department, and I made a grape seed extract cream for her-- pure, natural, with only calendula flower extract as the base with some grape seed extract in it, based on my compounding experience and being a nutritionist. She took it. I didn't really make anything of it. Three days later, her friend came in and asked for the same cream that Phyllis had.
Um, it was amazing, and again, you know, I made it for her, I gave it to her. A couple days later, her cousin came in-- Phyllis' cousin-- and then...
Yeah, these ladies, I mean, they started spreading the word around. You know, the rest is history, like they say. You know, we have hundreds of thousands of customers now that use the products.
One of the big reasons why our products work so well is because the base is so clean. It's a flower extract that's native to the far east that's been used as a healing agent for thousands of years.
It's called calendula. It's a beautiful flower extract, and we fortify it with hyaluronic acid, which is a collagen builder.
And that's the base of Chamonix skincare, and there's none of the, you know, mineral oil or petroleum by-products or the pharmaceutical bases that, you know, basically what I call plastic base.
And these things that, you know, that will give you shine on your skin but clog your pores. It's like a sheet of plastic that covers your skin. Feels great, keeps the moisture in, but the price you're paying for that is your skin is not breathing, and I think that's one of the, if not the most important factor of why Chamonix skincare has the highest loyalty of any skincare line on the market.
Women want to build the collagen to plump the skin, right?
And that helps produce... So tell me about that, and how does Chamonix take care of that?
So the collagen production ingredient that we use in our... In esotique is matrixyl, which is a natural peptide, five amino acids, that is clinically proven to improve collagen production in your own skin up to 327%, as far as the clinical study's concerned.
Now, George, I did actually look up matrixyl on the environmental working group's database...
And it got a zero on the toxicity level, so to me that's amazing.
That's the key point with Chamonix skincare. Everything we formulate, we formulate on this basis. It has to be very clean, but it also has to work.
Well, thanks again, George.
Oh, it's a pleasure. Thank you for having me.
Thanks, good to have you here.
Something that's natural like esotique makes you glow from the inside out.
I love the Chamonix line because it works.
Announcer: Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time, new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call 800-349-5786 in the next 10 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special TV trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
When I looked in the mirror there was a visible change within, within five to 10 minutes and it was, it just made my makeup look so much better and it was simple.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute Jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special TV offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.
Is there a way to get incredible younger skin and take years off your appearance without such harsh measures as Botox and plastic surgery and without using chemicals and toxins? With Chamonix, you can.
That's why I love the Chamonix detoxifying mask. Because it preps your skin to absorb the clinically proven ingredients in Chamonix that boost collagen production three times and reverses fine lines and wrinkles with clinically proven results.
Dr. Maccaro, what is it that's in esotique that's giving these great results?
Elizabeth, the main ingredient in esotique is a peptide called matrixyl, and it's clinically proven to diminish wrinkles by tripling your collagen production.
Yeah, and this is important because it's a lot more important, in my opinion, to improve the structure of your skin, the condition of your skin, and moisture content of your skin and triple the collagen production than an instant effect you may get from a regular skin cream.
Esotique gives you the short-term and the long-term results of antioxidant collagen builder nutrients. I talked to some of their customers who used both the detoxifying mask and esotique, and their results confirmed my impressions. This is definitely the best anti-aging treatment I've ever come across, and I've tried many. I'm over 50 now, and this is the most effective I've ever used, hands down, and it leaves your skin clean and healthy and younger looking without any irritation. What else can I say?
Well, not much, 'cause we're officially out of time. Thank you so much for making us aware of this problem and bringing us the solution, and I hope to have you back again really soon.
Thank you so much for having me.
Sure. Ladies, we've been using skincare products for years that have mineral oil, Parabens, and other chemicals in them. We've been struggling with skin irritations like dry, flaky, dehydrated skin, breakouts, and even more serious conditions like eczema and dermatitis. There is a connection. Our skin just can't handle all the environmental toxins, chemicals in our food, and then the dangerous mineral oil and Parabens, but it doesn't have to be that way anymore. You have the power to finally stop that clock. The answer is Chamonix. Thank you so much for watching, everyone.
Something that's natural like esotique makes you glow from the inside out.
I love the Chamonix line because it works.
Announcer: Hundreds of thousands have already paid $129 for this amazing system, but for a very limited time, new customers only will have this opportunity to experience this amazing system not for $129, not $100 or even $50. If you call 800-349-5786 in the next 10 minutes, you'll get to try the Chamonix system at our special TV trial offer of $9.95. Plus, as a thank-you for trying Chamonix today, you'll receive a 30-day supply of our revolutionary eye wrinkle reducer, Jeunesse. Jeunesse is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes in an amazing five minutes. Just apply Jeunesse and watch the wrinkles around your eyes disappear in just minutes. A $60 value, yours free.
When I looked in the mirror there was a visible change within, within five to 10 minutes and it was, it just made my makeup look so much better and it was simple.
Announcer: But there's even more. We'll also give you a 30-day supply of our breakthrough hand magic cream. In just seven days, your hands will look younger, feel softer and, most importantly, be wrinkle-free-- a $40 value, yours absolutely free. That's a total of $100 worth of free gifts just for ordering. So call 800-349-5786 now and take advantage of this special trial offer on the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system for just $9.95 plus a small shipping and handling fee. Imagine, you get the Chamonix detoxifying and collagen building system, the five-minute Jeunesse eye cream and the amazing hand magic for only $9.95. But there's more. We know you want to lose these lines and wrinkles fast. Call during this show and get an instant upgrade to priority shipping-- a $14.95 value absolutely free so that you can start to look and feel younger even faster. This special TV offer isn't available in stores or even online and won't last long, so you must call 800-349-5786 now.