Can an Employer Force You to Use Vacation Time?
- Employers can apply the rules they desire to vacation pay. recommends that employees ask for information on vacation time policies of employers or read the employee handbook for the most accurate information on vacation time.
- Although there are no federal laws regarding vacation time, some states have created laws regarding employee vacation time. Individual states have a great amount of control over the labor laws it creates. With that in mind, a state can choose to add a clause in their labor laws about vacation time, even though there is no requirement for vacation time to be offered, according to The labor laws of different states affect the policies employers can put in place for vacation time. Research the labor laws of your individual state to find out what laws govern vacation time.
- Some employers offer employees the option of taking a pay out or an actual vacation. However, this is something that varies based on the state you live in and your employer. Since there are no set requirements for vacation time, state laws and employer preferences influence what the rules at your particular job are.
Individual Rules
State Laws
Vacation Compensation