How Do I Join the White Caucus As a Congressman?
Okay so, everyone happens to be a different nationality, and the great thing about the United States of America is that it doesn't matter which nationality you are, or what mixture of races make up the individual.
This is a wonderful thing, because it proclaims that we are all equal under the law, and we subscribe to the theory of this great melting pot and experiment for mankind.
It is truly awesome to see it in practice, and to live in this time period - as long as we all abide by the same rules of conduct.
Now then, for a quick FYI: I happen to be a white male.
Of course, that shouldn't matter should it, because this is the United States of America, and it doesn't really matter what race you are, supposedly.
One thing that concerns me is that there is no white Caucus in Congress.
Now then, I'm really making a joke, I'm not a Congressman, at least not yet, and even if I were I would never join such a group, even if it did exist.
Indeed, we know that there is no such group in Congress.
However there is a Hispanic Caucus, and a Black Caucus.
My question to you is; is that really fair to the American people.
You see, we really can't have it both ways, we can't on one hand celebrate diversity, and then immediately self segregate, it's even worse when our elected representatives do it, because they are set apart from the rest of us as leaders, therefore they are an example to the rest of society.
Supposedly, they are the best and brightest amongst us who we have chosen to represent us in Washington DC.
Now then, I would submit to you the best and brightest amongst us should believe in the traditions of what we stand for in this great country.
If we truly stand for diversity, as we claim we do, then we need leaders who will lead by example.
Okay so, what am I suggesting? My recommendation at this point is we need to just ban any group in Congress which self segregates using a criteria of race, religion, ethnic origin, age, or any other discriminatory motif.
Indeed, that would be the right thing to do wouldn't it, sure it would - and I would submit to you that having a white caucus in Congress would be utterly unacceptable.
Now let's make sure the reciprocal is also true, and let's do what's right for America.
Let's stand on our ideals.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this, think on it, and e-mail if you have any concerns, questions, or comments.
It's about time that we started walking the talk in America, otherwise we are all living in hypocrisy.
Something I refuse to do.
This is a wonderful thing, because it proclaims that we are all equal under the law, and we subscribe to the theory of this great melting pot and experiment for mankind.
It is truly awesome to see it in practice, and to live in this time period - as long as we all abide by the same rules of conduct.
Now then, for a quick FYI: I happen to be a white male.
Of course, that shouldn't matter should it, because this is the United States of America, and it doesn't really matter what race you are, supposedly.
One thing that concerns me is that there is no white Caucus in Congress.
Now then, I'm really making a joke, I'm not a Congressman, at least not yet, and even if I were I would never join such a group, even if it did exist.
Indeed, we know that there is no such group in Congress.
However there is a Hispanic Caucus, and a Black Caucus.
My question to you is; is that really fair to the American people.
You see, we really can't have it both ways, we can't on one hand celebrate diversity, and then immediately self segregate, it's even worse when our elected representatives do it, because they are set apart from the rest of us as leaders, therefore they are an example to the rest of society.
Supposedly, they are the best and brightest amongst us who we have chosen to represent us in Washington DC.
Now then, I would submit to you the best and brightest amongst us should believe in the traditions of what we stand for in this great country.
If we truly stand for diversity, as we claim we do, then we need leaders who will lead by example.
Okay so, what am I suggesting? My recommendation at this point is we need to just ban any group in Congress which self segregates using a criteria of race, religion, ethnic origin, age, or any other discriminatory motif.
Indeed, that would be the right thing to do wouldn't it, sure it would - and I would submit to you that having a white caucus in Congress would be utterly unacceptable.
Now let's make sure the reciprocal is also true, and let's do what's right for America.
Let's stand on our ideals.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this, think on it, and e-mail if you have any concerns, questions, or comments.
It's about time that we started walking the talk in America, otherwise we are all living in hypocrisy.
Something I refuse to do.