How to Learn Pronunciation of Spanish Words
- 1). Access the Elearn Spanish Language website. Select the "Spanish Pronunciation" link. Select the "Audio Dictionary" link.
- 2). Select one of the letters and view the available Spanish word. Click the word to hear the correct pronunciation. If possible, practice the word with a friend several times to ensure you are saying it correctly.
- 3). Go to the next Spanish word and learn the pronunciation. Practice that word, and then continue to the next word until you build your vocabulary.
- 1). Access the Spanish Dict website. Type a Spanish word that you want to learn. If you don't know the Spanish spelling, type the English spelling of the word. A drop-down list appears. Select the word you are seeking.
- 2). Review the Spanish and English versions of the word. Click the mp3 player link to hear the pronunciation. If possible, practice the word with a friend several times to ensure you are saying it correctly.
- 3). Enter other words to learn the pronunciation of more Spanish words.
- 1). Access the Quiz Buddy website. Click the "Resources" tab and select "Spanish Phrases." You are greeted by a voice that welcomes you to the site.
- 2). Select a topic from the top of the Web page. Words are generated in the center of the page. Click a phrase and hear the correct pronunciation in Spanish. If possible, practice the word with a friend several times to ensure you are saying it correctly.
- 3). Continue to click on Spanish phrases and repeat them until you know them.
Elearn Spanish Language
Spanish Dict
Quiz Buddy