The Wood Thrush Sings A Pretty Song

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I have spent many days enjoying the beautiful singing of the Wood Thrush.
I have been an avid bird watcher for most of my life.
I have to say that among the many wonderful songbirds I see every year in the yard the Wood Thrush sings a pretty song.
Sadly since World War II ended we have seen a real decline in the songbird population across the eastern part of the country.
Some species have disappeared altogether which is a real shame and we are the losers for sure.
We lost- • Yellow-throated VireosAcadian FlycatchersHooded WarblersBlack & White Warblers The cause of this has been attributed to the fast destruction of many of our tropical forests where a lot of the migrating birds go to winter.
The deforestation of Costa Rica, Mexico, and Jamaica are blamed for the disappearance of birds like the Worm-eating Warbler.
Also at blame for this decline is an increase in cowbird parasitism, habitat loss, and increased predation in quality habitat areas.
Breeding And Nest-building The Wood Thrush breeds in forests of coniferous trees and prefer them to be located near water.
They will occasionally breed close to human occupied areas.
They generally produce 2 broods.
They build their nests into a bulky but compact structure.
They use nest-building materials like- • Weed StalksA Leaf BaseGrassMudLining Of Fine Dark Rootlets They will utilize strips of rag or white paper to break up the outline of the nest making it harder for predators to recognize.
The Wood Thrush is a monogamous breeder.
They lay eggs that are greenish-blue and unmarked and will incubate for 13 to 14 days.
Their chicks will be born without feathers, blind, and helpless.
In bird terms this condition is known as 'Altricial'.
Diet And Wintering Wood Thrushes feed mainly on spiders and fruit.
They will feed their young some fruits.
The chicks will begin foraging at only 20 to 23 days old.
They might continue begging for food as long as 32 days.
They do their wintering to the south through eastern Mexico and Panama and Northwestern Columbia.
Their song patterns vary little in regard to geographical location.
Experiments were held displacing them from normal breeding grounds and showed them to be successful in traveling away from and back to nesting grounds up to a 10 mile radius.
Wood Thrush Mating Rituals When the Wood Thrushes are ready to mate they put on quite a display.
The female will fluff her feathers while raising her wings to attract a male.
Once she is joined by a male they will engage in swift circling flying patterns.
After the flying courtship they will go and feed together signifying their new bond.
The Wood Thrush has been singing a beautiful song in my life for over 40 years.
I have always loved sitting out back and watching and listening to all the wonderful little songbirds that visit.
It is hard to choose any particular favorite because I find them all a joy and a delight.
The Wood Thrush sings a pretty song for sure.
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