Broken Hearts - Telltale Signs of Broken Heart
When you go through a breakup, it's easy to start saying things like "I'm fine, it's not that big of a deal", or "Eh, it's over, so what?".
This is part of our built-in defenses to keep ourselves strong.
The problem is that it can make it harder for us to deal with broken hearts.
By denying that we feel any pain, we don't allow ourselves to deal with the problem, thus prolonging it's effects.
Watch for these signs, so you'll know for sure if it really was no big deal or if that heart is shattered in pieces.
If you notice more than one creeping into your daily life, you know you have some issues to deal with in this breakup.
Heaviness - Do you walk around feeling like you're walking through jello? Does it take more effort than usual to do things that you do automatically and habitually? This is often a sign of depression, which is VERY common when dealing with a broken heart.
Watch for things being harder than usual, especially if you can't think of any reason it should be.
Lack of Appetite - If even the richest foods taste bland and you're just not hungry most of the time, this could be a problem.
The opposite of this is if you have too much appetite.
Food and emotion are indelibly linked with most people in one of these ways.
Observe your eating habits.
Restlessness - If you find yourself tired and weary even after a full nights sleep, you might have a broken heart.
The tossing and turning makes it hard to get any real rest.
This is usually caused by denial of anger, fear, depression, and other symptoms.
Stuck in the past - If you find yourself going over your memories all the time, this can be a symptom.
If you keep thinking about when you were a child and how much easier things were or think about the time you spent with your ex, these are signs.
By keeping your thoughts in the past, you make it difficult if not impossible to plan for the future, so you'll be hurting longer.
Couple Anger - If you look at a mushy, gooey couple holding hands walking down the street and have to restrain yourself from glaring at them, you have a problem.
Being angry at the happiness of others is common among the broken-hearted.
After all, what does misery love? If you start seeing yourself exhibiting these signs, realize that you are hurting more from this breakup than you thought, then start looking for ways to deal with it.
There is help available to you, and being miserable is not your lot in life.