How Can Teens Be More Responsible Drivers
Over the years, most of the recorded accidents by various government agencies involve distracted drivers. According to studies, around 35,000 teenagers have been involved in accidents due to distracted driving. Among these incidents, hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of damage to property, leaving thousand injured and others, dead. This number of injuries and fatalities has been causing the government to be alarmed.
These teenagers' lack of experience and skills in driving, plus their oftentimes erroneous judgment cause more and more young distracted drivers to involved in road accidents. That is why the government as well as various agencies and non-government associations have been mounting various campaigns to help make young drivers aware of the responsibility that they are facing every time they take their hands on the steering wheel.
So in celebration of the California Teen Safe Driving Week and the National Distracted Driving Month, efforts have been made to help raise the youth's awareness on the great dangers that distracted driving brings. The most recent one was held in John Burroughs High School in Burbank, the government worked with Impact Team Drivers where Mercedes Benz held a Driving Academy Tuesday. In the program, a course was set up on the school campus. The program aims to send out a very serious message to help teens develop safe driving habits. This way, the incidents of road accidents can be minimized, if not eliminated.
The government and the event organizers, and even a Los Angeles injury lawyer believe that training kids to be more responsible begins at home. According to experts parents should learn to communicate with their children better. When communicating with their children, moms and dads should be able impart safe driving habits to them. One way that they can do so is by being good examples of responsible motoring. In the end, making our roads safer and accident free rest in our hands, the question is, are you doing your part?