Eco-Friendly Money-Saving Power Strips
- About 75 percent of the energy used by our home appliances is drawn while we think they are off, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Energy vampires cost the average U.S. household about $100 per year, or more than $10 billion on a national basis. Common vampires include computers, microwaves, cell phone or iPod chargers, televisions and stereo equipment.
- Power strips like the Smart Strip contain a master outlet, which connects to a main device (such as a television), and several peripheral outlets, which connect to the main device's accessories (such as a VCR and cable box). When the strip senses that the main device is off or in standby mode, it cuts power to all accessories. In order to save device settings and avoid the need to reprogram electronics such as televisions, the strip does not power down the main device.
- Strips like the Isole Power Strip cut power by sensing motion instead of energy change. When the user leaves the room, the power strip turns off. The sensitivity of the motion sensor is customizable. Most power strips with either motion or energy sensors have a few additional outlets that always stay on and are useful for electronics like lamps and alarm clocks.
- Energy efficient power strips are not sold in all retail stores but are readily available online. Though eco-friendly power strips are more expensive than traditional strips, Smart Strip claims that its product pays for itself in as little as six weeks.
Energy Vampires
Power Strips with Energy Sensors
Power Strips with Motion Sensors
Where to Purchase