How to Pay Taxes From Overseas
1Determine if your foreign earned income is taxable. Part of knowing which forms to file is knowing if your income is taxable or not. The Internal Revenue Service has form 2555 EZ which is the "Foreign Earned Income Exclusion" application. This application tests to see if you can take the foreign earned income exclusion. If you do not qualify as excluded, you will have to file taxes using Form 2555.
Download Form 2555. IRS Form 2555 is called the "Foreign Earned Income" application. This is the form that you use when you are filing taxes based on income you earned wile living overseas.
Obtain the instructions for completing Form 2555. Unlike most government forms, instructions for Form 2555 are not a part of the application. It's a separate 11-page document and gives detailed instructions on how to complete Form 2555. You can download this by visiting the Internal Revenue Service website or by calling them and asking them to mail a copy to you.
Complete the form. Complete Form 2555 in time so that it can be submitted before the tax deadline is April 15. You are granted an extension beyond the April 15th date if you are still living out of the country. You can file for and be granted a two-month extension.