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Accidents & personal injury Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

Family Blames Ford for Fatal Car Accident

For more than fifty years the Dane Shulman name has meant serious personal injury representation for accident victims and their families in communities throughout Massachusetts and New England. Our at

Vertebral Placement of Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord, though less frequently considered than the brain, plays an almost equally important role in enabling the proper function of many of the body's systems and parts. It serves as the conduit through which electrical signals that communicate vital information between the nervous sys

Auto Accidents and Traumatic Brain Injury

Auto accidents account for 20% of the traumatic brain injuries in the United States. This article describes TBI's, how they can occur via auto accidents, and what you should do if you suffer a TBI as a result of an auto accident.

Bonfire Dangers

It's an exciting time when the weather starts to cool down; it means different things to different people. In the south, it means you can open your windows and cut your cooling bill. In the ...

Basic Terms of a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Like all professions, lawyers employ a distinct language, and their meanings can be puzzling to those outside the profession. This post is meant to explain some of the legalese common to personal inju

Tips on What to Do After a Car Accident in Los Angeles

The highways and roads in Los Angeles continue to be some of the most congested and dangerous roads in California.With the population reaching record limits, road construction at an all-time high and building construction continuing to grow at an increased pace every year, the chances of being invol

Barriers To Settlement in Workers' Compensation Cases

Many years ago, settling a Workers' Compensation case by way of lump settlement was relatively simple. However, it has become extremely complex over the years. In many cases there are barriers to settlement. This article will discuss some of the complicating factors.

A Personal Injury Claims Company Can Sometimes Be Your Best Friend

A personal injury claim company is your eyes ears and voice within a courtroom of a personal injury case. Beside the pain and suffering that your injuries have caused you, things like hospital bills, treatment costs, repairs and income loss can and should be covered in full by the obtained compensat

5 Tips to Filing Winning Injury Claims

Accidents can happen to anyone, anytime. Many accidents are caused by someone else's mistake or negligence. The party that caused the accident and injury could be an individual, a company or government.

ATL Automobile Collision Law Firm

If you reside inside the Alpharetta vicinity and been involved in a vehicle accident that wasn't your fault, you may be eligible for compensation. The Smyrna Auto Accident Law Practice of Ken Nugent would love ...

Avoid Conviction - Hire A Theft Attorney

Any hesitation on your part to acquire the services of your attorney could very well be taking your further away from having your case dismissed and your problem resolved. You should also make sure that ...

Wrongful Death Cases Are Civil Lawsuits

Thanks to the wonders of TV, many Americans are addicted to crime shows and think that a wrongful death suit is a criminal case. In reality, a wrongful death suit is a civil case.

U-Haul Truck Accidents

Sorting out all of the issues, identifying the causes, assigning liability and obtaining compensation for damages is more than most individuals are equipped to do. To ensure that you arrive at the bes

Workers Compensation

An article detailing useful information regarding Workers Compensation