Overnight Summer Camps: A Wonderful American Tradition!

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Adolescent Health : Health & Medical

Bringing the Outdoors In

When you have children you know that being stuck indoors can be very difficult. When the weather is bad, or the day is too hot to be out of doors, it is always nice to have some fun ideas for things to do indoors.

Lego Star Wars Republic Attack Gunship

While a Lego set containing over 1,000 pieces might make a parent recoil in fear of those pieces being scattered throughout the home, it is important that they bear in mind the following: few things get children through a rainy afternoon better than building something out of Legos. With 1,034 pieces

Online Free Fun Games: A Breather To Handle Pressure

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - used to be a saying once upon a time. Nowadays, the word FUN is taboo. Today there is constant pressure on academic excellence and the need to outshine everyone.

Recession Proof Ways For Kids to Make Money

One great way for youngsters to earn a few bucks is by filling out online surveys.Parents should help children to locate legit sites that they won't waste their time on though because there are many scam artists out there and the internet and your children are prime pickings for their easy way

Children's Bedding Ideas, Trends and Recommendations

It is a really exciting time when you get to decorate or remodel your kids room. The selection of children's bedding on the market today can be overwhelming, but ultimately you will find that perfectbedding design that both you and your child will adore for years to come.

Mentor For Youth: Guidelines for Mentoring Youth

Do you want to be a mentor for youth? Although it can be very challenging at times it can also be very rewarding. Being a mentor for youth is important; especially in this day and age where our youth seem to be getting neglected.

Creative Learning Games

The following is a guide to choosing the right creative learning games for your children. Read on for lots of gift and present buying tips.

The Power of Storytelling

The ideas that many parents want their children to embrace - positive concepts such as cooperation, kindness or honesty - may be the most challenging ideas for parents to get across. In a flicker, youngsters spot a lecture coming and are quick to mentally retreat, leaving behind a blank expression t

Bath Salts - Teens Can Get Them Anytime!

There are many substances that pose a threat to children's and teens health. Many think about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, but even substances such as bath salts are being used in dangerous ways. Read more here:

How to Have a Candyland Sweet 16 for (way) Less

Can we blame it all on MTV's My Super Sweet 16, like writers like to do? Not really, but the truth is that this formerly modest party has morphed into something bigger.Maybe you're like me and can har

Preschool - Apple Theme Activities

An apple day really can keep the doctor away. It is one of the healthiest foods around. When it comes to preschoolers, apples are what you give your teacher when you like them, they are what the letter "A" stands for and you can snack on them! It's a trifecta! There are many preschool

How to Teach Your Child to Keep a Tidy Room

If you have kids like I do, you've probably come to realize how much of a pain it can be to clean up after them. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be this way! If you maintain a good attitude and set a routine clean-up schedule, this will go a long way toward teaching your child proper clean

Back To School Organisational Tips

When September rolls around it can seem like a massive task to get back in to school routine, early mornings, pack lunches. With these practical tips, hopefully they can help you be more organized and have more free time.

These Kids Are Our Future?

This is an article about why I think if kids keep getting worse then our future is lost. All the drugs, alcohol, and early pregnancy can't be good.

Kids Who Have Recesses Are Better Students

Kids and teens who do not get fresh air throughout their school days are being hindered.Study shows that the students who have a break daily at school are better students.Everyone needs a break, including our kids!!

Ways For Kids To Earn Money

Thinking of ways for kids to earn money before they are old enough to have a regular job can seem like a challenge, but there are actually a lot of options. The only limit is your imagination!

Dare To Deal With A Bully Problem

Not many students can get through a school day without either being bullied or seeing someone being bullied. With national odds at 60% of teens, witnessing bullying it's a good bet you are seeing your fair share.

Stimulate Your Toddler's Senses With a Functional Toy Stroller

A lot of parents find a toy stroller to be very helpful in nurturing their toddlers. Others use it to help their young babies get ready to walk. Babies do love the attractive and fun appearance of a stroller, and they find themselves all too willing to start walking with the stroller. Many toddlers

Top Toys of 2010 - The Hit List!

Toys are the most wanted gifts for children. The lists are never ending and the variety is mind boggling! With each passing year the innovative designs as well as the classic toys are gaining popularity and sell the most around Christmas time.