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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical

Gluten Free Might Help Your Arthritis Condition

For some people it is hard to believe that gluten can cause so much destruction. When we tell people that in order to treat a serious condition like arthritis, inflammation and pain, a few serious dietary measures are needed. Giving up gluten might be one of them.

Meniscus Surgery: Recovery Time-Topic Overview

Surgery to repair a torn meniscus involves rehabilitation,although it varies depending on the injury,the type of surgery,and your orthopedist's preference. In general,meniscus surgery is followed by a period of rest,walking,and selected exercises. Every recovery is different and depends on many

Specific Tests Used To Diagnose Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, the exact cause of which is still unknown. It affects tissues and organs, and also the joints by systemic inflammation. Women are more prone to this disease than men, and it is estimated that around 1% of the total population of the world is affected by thi

Knee Rheumatoid Arthritis

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of knee RA including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Gout Relief - It is Time to Leave the Pain Behind

It's the midnight and the whole world is sleeping. You are drowsy in a peaceful slumber, when suddenly an acute jolt of pain in your joints makes you shout in the sleep. You wake up and wonder what happened. You find that your big toe is swollen and red and even a short walk to the toilet becom

Cure Gout - Top Four Things You Can Do to Cure Gout Symptoms

The buildup of uric acid is to blame for the crystals that have formed in your joints. The inflammation makes it painful to move around. If you are suffering for a severe case of gout in the big toe or ankle you may not even be able to walk. Gout also frequently forms in the elbows and other joints.

Treatment For Arthritis - 5 Steps to Pain Relief!

But believe me once you've experienced the agonizing pain you will quickly start looking at ways to relieve it and to avoid it all together in the future. The secrets of arthritis pain relief lies in the management of the disease, there has even been cases of cure using this 5 step plan.

Is Rhumatol An Effective Arthritis Treatment?

Rhumatol is a 100% non toxic medicine that helps you to relieve from the troubles and discomforts that arise from the health problems like Rheumatoid Arthritis or similar problems that affect the health of your joints.The main reason behind the problems related to Rheumatoid Arthritis is found to be

Is it Safe to Conceive While on Methotrexate?

Is it safe to conceive while the man or woman is taking methotrexate? Dr. Stephen Paget answers this question and reviews which rheumatologic medications are contraindicated in pregnancy.

Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis-Topic Overview

Exercise can reduce pain and improve function in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In addition,exercise may help prevent the buildup of scar tissue,which can lead to weakness and stiffness. 1 Exercise for arthritis takes three forms: stretching,strengthening,and conditioning. Stretching ...

The Benefits Of Acupuncture For Diagnosis And Treatment Of Arthritis

Acupuncture for diagnosis and treatment of arthritis is now becoming more prevalent but having your skin savagely poked with a series of long needles doesn't exactly sound like ideal comfort, especially when you are already living with arthritis, a rheumatoid disease characterized by it's